It's Okay To Let Your Guard Down Sometimes

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*Kara's POV*

Last night was incredible. Mon-el found out I was pregnant and he told me everything I needed to hear. I turned over in bed and found a sleeping Mon-el. His breaths were shallow and his chest was rising and falling slowly. I hadn't noticed he was awake until I heard his voice. "Kara?" I draw my attention to his eyes and see them still closed. "Kara, how could you do this to me?"


"I thought you loved me?" I try shaking him awake.

"Mon-el, you're dreaming," he finally opens his eyes and looks at me.

"You're here?" he pulls me close to him and nuzzles his face into my neck.

"I'm here," I play with the hair on the back of his head. "What happened in your dream?" he pulls back, but doesn't loosen his grip on me.

"That was not a dream. That was my worst nightmare," I wait for him to continue. "You were back with Florin and the baby wasn't mine, it was his," I hold his hand over my growing stomach.

"I'm yours and so is this baby," he nods.

"Doesn't make the dreams hurt any less," he sits up, avoiding eye contact. I follow him and wrap my arms around his neck from behind.

"We should go see J'onn. Maybe he can do something about this. That was awhile ago, I'm worried about you," he shakes his head. "Please, do it for me."

"Okay, but first," he pushes me back on the bed and lays on top of me. "I want to say good morning to our boy," I smile while he lifts up my shirt. "Hey baby, daddy loves you," he kisses my growing stomach. "Okay, now we can get ready," I hop in the shower while Mon-el makes us some breakfast.

"Smells great," I walk out into the kitchen once I'm done getting ready.

"I made, pancakes and bacon for you and you," he touches my stomach.

"Thank you."

"Hey Kara?" He looks at himself in the mirror and starts playing with his beard. "I think I'm gonna trim this mess. Or should I just shave all of it off?"

"Let me see," I mess with his beard a little. "I think you should trim it. I love your beard, but I also really love your dimples and I haven't seen them for awhile."

"Okay, say goodbye to this," I get real close and whisper into it, causing him to laugh.

"I'll miss you," he goes into the bathroom and comes back out twenty minutes later looking fresh. I touch his newly found face. "Oh yeah, I can see the dimples now," I kiss him and he goes back into the room to get dressed. After he's done, we head to the D.E.O.

"Hey Kara, what are you doing here?" Alex asks.

"I wanted to speak to J'onn about something, is he here?"

"Yeah, he's downstairs. So, how's the baby?" She whispers.

"He's fine," I touch my stomach.

"And how is your husband?" I sigh heavily.

"Not so fine," I breathe out.

"Did something happen?"

"He-- he has this dream where I'm back with Florin and I'm not pregnant with his baby, instead I'm pregnant with Florin's."

"I'm sure it'll pass," she rubs my shoulder.

"I know, I just need it to go away because he isn't getting any sleep. I was gonna ask J'onn if he could scan his brain or something to block out that stuff."

"You want to erase his memory?"

"No, I just want to make it easier on him. I think everything that happened affected him more than it did me. I just want him to be happy again."

"Hey, I'm sure he is happy. He has you, how could he not be?"


"Go talk to J'onn and I'll go see Mon-el," I nod. I find J'onn downstairs, talking to other agents.

"J'onn, can we talk a second?" he walks over to me.

"What's going on?"

"I was wondering if you could help me, or more like help Mon-el."

"Is he hurt?"

"Physically no, mentally yes," he looks at me curiously. "He's been having these dreams and they are affecting him in his waking state. Is there some way you could scan his brain to see what's going on?"

"Technically I could, but what's going on in his brain may not be the problem."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, he's been through more heartbreak and pain than anyone. And just yesterday, he lost his memory. Maybe these dreams are helping him. They could be the reason he gets up in the morning."

"Helping hi--" I was cut off by someone screaming in pain.

"KARA!" Alex runs out to us panicking.

"What was that?"

"It's Mon-el, something's wrong," we run to the training room to find Mon-el on the floor in pain. I sit next to him and hold his face.

"Mon-el, hey look at me," he holds his head in his hands and screams again. "Alex, what do we do?"

"We need to get him to the med bay," I pick him up and run him upstairs. I gently lay him down on the bed. Alex attaches this white headset to him and runs over to the computer. Mon-el squeezes my hand.


"What the hell? J'onn look at this," J'onn looks at the computer. After a second of analyzing it, he quickly walks to Mon-el and presses his finger against his head.


"Hold on," he keeps his finger pressed against Mon-el's skull for another couple minutes. Luckily, Mon-el's pain is gone by then, "I think CADMUS may have done more than we realize."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, there is something in his head causing this pain. Something that shouldn't be there."

"Did that pain sound like something helping him?" I yell, "I'm sorry, what-- what do we do?"

"We have to get that thing out or--"

"Or what?"

"Or he could die."


Ooh, cliffhanger. I hope you all enjoyed this chapter. Sorry about the mix up with the last two chapters.


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