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*The day after the wedding*

*Mon-El P.O.V.*

I woke up next to Kara. Next to my wife. I stroked my hand through her blonde hair and she laid asleep. I kissed the back of her head and closed my eyes. I must have fallen asleep again because when I opened my eyes Kara was gone. I got up to go look for her. She wasn't in the kitchen, bathroom, my room, any room. I called her and no answer. That's not like Kara. I walk around some more and find a note.

I'm sorry Mon-El, I can't be with you. As a matter of fact, I hate you. You're a stuck up no good Daxamite, no different from the rest. I love Florin! I want to be with him. I will fight with Florin. Please, don't try to find me. I never want to see you again.


No. That's not true. None of it is. How could it? Yesterday was the best day ever and now she hates me? I had to find her, even if she didn't want to be found. I grabbed my hat and sunglasses and went outside to find Kara. I was walking down the street. I was looking for Florin. After all, she wanted to be with him. What did I do wrong? Nothing, I can't think of anything. I was looking at the mailboxes and I walk up to one that says 3213. I remember looking at a picture of Kara and Florin in his front yard. The mailbox in the picture was 3213. I walked up the sidewalk to his front door. I knocked, I wasn't going to barge in. A women answered the door.

"Hello, can I help you?"

"Uh, yes. Does Florin live here?"

"Why yes he does. I'm his mother. Who are you?"

"I'm Kara's husband."

"Oh yes! The Daxamite."

"Yes, the Daxamite. Is he here?"

"Who Florin! Yes! Of course! He never leaves!"

"May I go talk to him?"

"Yes you may!" She opens the door very wide and I step through and walk down the hall. I find a room with blue walls and boyish things. I walk in and see Florin on his bed hovering over Kara, trying to kiss her. Trying to undress her. I immediately run in and shove him off of her.

"Mon-El!" Kara yells.

"WHAT THE HELL FLORIN! SHE'S MARRIED NOW!" I walk towards him and he starts backing up until he hits the wall. I punch Florin in the face and he falls to the ground.



"WHY THE HELL WERE YOU LETTING HIM TOUCH YOU!" I had anger in my eyes and she saw that. She was scared.

"I'm sorry, but tell me what the hell was happening. Right now Kara."

"Mon-El, he kidnapped me."

"He what?"

"He escaped the dungeon and brought me here. He said that if I scream, resist, or try to run, he would kill you. When we got here he told me to kiss him and to touch him like I touch you or else he would kill you." She was crying a lot. I walked over to her and let her hug me. She wrapped her arms around my back and squeezed me very tight. I kissed the top of her head.

"Oh my Rao, Kara. I'm sorry. He left a note saying you hated me and you wanted to be with him. It got me so mad."

"It's okay. Oh Mon-El, I love you! I only did it because you are worth it. I'm so sorry. It was all him! We need to send him to Fort Ross."

"Yes we do. I already called the guards, they are on their way to take him there." She buries her head in my shoulder. I grab her hand.

"Come on, let's go." We walk out of the door and soon are outside. Kara is still shaking. I look down and notice fear in her eyes.

"Kara, look at me. You're okay. You're always going to be okay if I'm alive." She grabbed my arm and we went back to the palace. When we got there, we went to the living room and sat down on the couch. I sat with my feet on the floor and back against the couch. Kara curled up next to me and I put my arm around her. She was still shaking like crazy. I laid down so that my feet were near her. I sat up and pulled her with me so she could lay with me. She cuddled up beside me and I put the blanket on top of us. She fell asleep quickly and I watched some TV until it was time to go to bed. I carried Kara to the bed and told her to get changed. I got changed too. We climbed in bed and I was almost sound asleep when I heard a huge boom. It woke Kara up. It probably woke the whole world up. I look out the window and see buildings collapsing, the ground shaking, people running for their lives. I see a big blast of red and we all fall to the ground.

"What's going on?" Kara said.

"Krypton is dying."

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