Love Is A Mistake

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*Alex’s POV*

It’s been a week since Kara was attacked by black mercy. I noticed that something was up with Mon-el so I went to check on him. I knock on the door quietly. “It’s unlocked.” He yells. I walk in and see him lying on the couch. The apartment is half empty.

“Mon-el, what happened?”

“Naomi left me.” I sit next to him.


“Because she believes I still have feelings for Kara.”

“Do you?”

“Kara is the reason why my life is so horrible.”

Don’t say that.”

“Alex can you just go please? I need to be alone.”

“Fine.” I get up and walk out.

*Kara’s POV*

I decided to meet up with Alex and Winn at the bar. When I get there I see Mon-el sitting on a bar stool about to fall over. I quickly catch him and sit him up. “Hey, let’s get you home.” He nods, clearly drunk. We get to the apartment and when we get inside he lays down. He looks like he is already passed out so I sit next to him. I rub kiss his head and I rub his beard. “Oh, Mon-el. I'm so sorry. I didn't want this for you.” I get up to walk out but I hear his voice.

“Kara.” I turn around and look at him. “I hate you.” That breaks me.

“What?” I say, trying not to cry.

“I wish you never came back. You ruined my life.”  I walk out crying and I just go back home. Alex calls me asking where I am and I tell her I went home cause I wasn’t feeling well. But, Alex being Alex, she came and sat next to me.

“Tell me what is going on.”

“It’s Mon-el.”

“What about him?”

“He got drunk so I took him home and got him into bed. But before I left he said he hates me.” I cry out. “I don’t know what to do Alex, the love of my life hates me.”

“He doesn’t hate you Kara, he is just hurt. He’ll realize that he needs you in his life. He can’t function without you.”

“And if he doesn’t?”

“Then I’ll help you get through it.” I nod and we lay there for awhile until Alex has to leave.

*Alex’s POV*

The next morning I texted Mon-el telling him to meet me in the training room of the D.E.O. I wait for a few minutes until he finally shows up.

“What do you need Alex?”

“We are gonna train.”

“I can’t train with you, I’ll hurt you.”

“Not with this.” I show him a lead bracelet. “The bracelet with make this a fair fight.”

“Okay.” He sticks his wrist out and I slap the bracelet on it. “Ow.”

“Go.” I try to punch him but he blocks me. I put him in a headlock and flip over him so I am holding onto him. I flip him over me and he lands on the floor. I go to hit him but he puts his hands up.



“No, you’re punishing.”

“You know what, you’re right. I am punishing. Did you seriously tell Kara that you hated her?” He puts his head down and sighs.

“Maybe. I was a little wasted.”

“Mon-el, you can be such a jackass sometimes. She is in love with you. You broke her heart.”

“Oh, I didn't break her heart. Don't be dramatic."

“I'm being dramatic, right.”

“I was drunk and I didn’t mean to. It just came out and I was angry at her for everything she did. I didn’t really consider her feelings when I said I hated her. I wanted so much to hurt her as much as she hurt me.”

“That’s not right Mon-el. How would you like it if she did that to you.”

“She already did it to me.”

“I know everything that’s happened to you sucks, but don’t make it worse. The darkness doesn't have any answers, so stop drowning your sorrows in beer and stop taking it out on Kara. She already payed for hurting you.” He keeps his head down. “You need to apologize to her. I am so barely your friend right now. You know it really hurts me to watch what you're doing."

“Naomi said no, Alex. I said yes.”

“Don't give me that. I'm being honest with you right now, and you need to be honest with yourself. What do you want? If Naomi’s the girl that you're in love with, great. If it's Kara, great. Just please stop hiding your heart, I mean it.” I walk out and I go to my apartment to pick something up then I go to Kara's and she is watching a movie on the couch. I sit next to her and pick up Romeo and Juliet.

“What are you doing?”

“I’m showing you how much Mon-el doesn’t hate you.” I open it to the bookmarked page. “The brightness of her cheeks would shame those stars.” I get a book out of my bag titled “Mon-el’s Property”.

“What’s that?” She asked.

“I found this in a box when I was helping Mon-el pack to move back here. I want you to read it.” I flip a couple pages and come to a stop to a page titled “Kara”. I hand her the book and she starts reading.

*Kara’s POV*

I begin reading.

‘Kara. There are no words to describe her. She is perfect in every way even if she doesn’t realize it. She is the best thing that has ever happened to me. I probably won’t ever show this to anyone but I couldn’t imagine my life without her. I hope that she knows that she has made my life incredible and fun. I miss her so much. I love Naomi but Kara is my person. I know she did things to me that weren’t great but I can’t live without her. I can live without Naomi. It’s tearing me up inside. Tonight, I’m gonna tell her how I really feel. It has to happen or I’m gonna spend the rest of my life in regret.’ It ends there.

“See what I mean?”

“That's what he writes. But what he says is a totally different story.”

“Sometimes people write the things that they can't say.” I look at Alex.

“I’m gonna get him back.” She nods.

I hope you guys are enjoying the chapters. If you have any suggestions I'm all ears!


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