Forgiveness Is More Than Saying Sorry

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*Mon-el’s POV*

“Goodbye Mon-el.” She Kisses my cheek.

Before she walks out I turn around and say, “Don’t go.” She looks at me. “I know it’s gonna take me awhile to get over what happened but stay please.”


“Kara please, I love you and I can’t lose you. We can’t be together right away because I need to process everything you said to me but I still want you in my life.”

“What did I say?.”

“Um… you said we aren’t married anymore considering we’re not on Krypton or Daxam. You said I didn’t know how to love. You said some other stuff too but....” She interrupts me.

“But we need some time apart, so you can work through everything that happened and so I can deal with what I did.”

“Kara, it doesn’t matter, that wasn’t you.”

“Really, so there was no truth in anything I said?”

“What are you saying?”

“I’m saying that we aren’t married anymore. The only reason we ever got married was to bring peace to our worlds. Why would you still want to be with me? Why do you stand by me and pretend that everything’s okay?”

“I… I just didn’t want to face reality.”

“Which is?”

“That you never really loved me, it was all for your people.”

“We got married for one reason, to unite our worlds. And now that our worlds are gone, what’s the point?” She said.

“I guess there is no point. You stay here with your sister, I’ll leave National city.” I start walking out.

“Mon-el, I’m sorry.” I stop.

“Yeah, so am I.” I turn and walk out the door. I go to the apartment and start packing.

“What the hell is going on?” Alex asks while walking in.

“I’m leaving.”

“Like hell you are.”

“You can’t change my mind Alex. Kara and I talked, there’s no reason for me to stay here.”

“What about me Mon-el. Like it or not you and I are friends.”

“I can always visit.”

“Mon-el, please don’t do this.” I pick up my boxes.

“I’ll be seeing you Alex.”

“Wait.” She takes the boxes out of my hands and sets them on the ground. Then she embraces me. I rub her back and lay my head on hers.

“I’m gonna miss you Alex, like it or not.” I hear her laugh and I give her one last squeeze before letting go and picking up my boxes again.

“Where are you staying?”

“I don’t know yet. I guess I’ll just have to work things out.” I walk to the door. Before walking out I turn around and give Alex one more glance. “I’ll let you know.” She nods. I turn and walk out the door. I didn’t really feel like running or leaping so I got on a train to anywhere. On the train I started thinking about Kara and good memories. There was this one time on Krypton when we got a lot of dessert and we were eating it on the bed. Well Kara got it all over her face and she tried so hard to get it off but failed miserably. I laugh at the memory of her expression. I remember I brought her face to my lips and I kissed it off. She was blushing so much. She was so cute and beautiful. I smile at the memory of Kara sleeping peacefully in my arms. I would just watch her sleep because it seemed peaceful to me. My thoughts are disrupted when I hear a woman talking.

“Hey you.” She said. I turn my head to look at her.


“Yeah you, who else would I be talking to? So, where you going?” I just realized she had a British accent.

“I’m not sure.”

“Why not?”

“I just got out of a pretty serious relationship and I decided to move tonight I just have no idea where to.”

“Well, why don’t you hang with me? I can show you around.” I think for a minute.

“Sure yeah, that would be great thanks.” She stands up and sits in the seat next to me.

“My name is Naomi.” She holds out her hand.

“My names Mo- Mike.” I shake it.

“Nice to meet you Mike.” She smiles and I return the favor by smiling back at her.

“Diddo.” She laughs.

“So, want to watch a movie on my phone?”

“Uh sure.” She gets out these two ball things and sticks one in her ear.Then she hands me one so I stick it in my ear.

“What do you want to watch?”

“You pick.” She scrolls through the list and finally decides to watch one called The Hunger Games. We watched the movie until we got to her stop.

“This is it.” She puts her phone away and we grab our stuff then get off the train. “Welcome to Charlotte.” We’re in North Carolina. As we’re making our way towards her place she starts talking. “So, how old are you?”

“I’m 26.”

“Oh really close, I’m 25.” We walk a little bit longer and she comes to a stop. “Here we are.”

“Wow.” There stood a tall building. We walk inside.

“The lift is over here.” I follow her and we get on. “So, before I invite you into my home I have to ask. Are you a serial killer?”

I laugh. “No, no I’m not a serial killer.”

“Good, come on in.” I walk in and it’s nicely decorated. Then this dog comes over and jumps on me. “Meet Duke.” I kneel and start petting him.

“Hi Duke, you are very cute.” I stand back up.

“So, I’ll bring some blankets out.” I nod and continue petting Duke. A couple minutes later she walks back out. “Here you go.”

“Thank you.”

“Come on Duke, let’s feed you.” She feeds him. “So it’s late and I’m really tired. I’ll see you tomorrow morning.”

“Okay and hey thanks again for this. I would be sleeping in the streets if it weren’t for you so.”

“It’s no problem, night.”


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