I'm Sorry.

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*Florin's POV*

I hear her yell."Florin wait!" But I keep running. I run to our tree house that we built when we were younger."Then I hear her again."Florin, unlock it please." I unlock it and she comes in.

"What do you want?" I say sadly.

"Why did you run off?"

"Really, answering a question with a question, damn you." She sits next to me and takes my hand.

"You know you can tell me anything rig..." I cut her off by kissing her."Oh um." She doesn't pull away, which surprises me.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have done that." I back away.

"Do you... do you like me?"

"Um... I have liked you for a very long." I look down.

"How long?"

"Since we met." I look at her sadly

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"I was scared, i mean why would you date someone like me, I am a low-life person and you are the princess?" He looks at me sadly.

"I like you because you are my friend, you don't look at me as a royal princess, you look at me as a normal person."

"Wait so, do you like me too?" I say hopefully.

"Yeah I do, but this marriage thing is ruining everything, I have realised something though."


"That Mon-el is actually not a bad person."

"Oh him." I make a disgusted look on my face.

"Hey, he isn't that bad, I honestly thought that he was gonna be some royal jerk who pushed people around, but he has been really sweet to me, I mean after we met anyway. And I was the one being the jerk when he showed up." She confesses.

"I'm sure you were fine, he doesn't deserve your kindness." I hug her.


"Anytime, but that still doesn't solve our problem."

"What problem?" I grab her hand."Oh that problem."

"Yeah, that problem."

"I like you, I really do, but I don't want to date and then be broken up and us not talk to each other anymore. You are my best friend, I don't want to lose you."

"Okay, we don't have to do anything, but can I maybe kiss you occasionally?"

"Sure." She laughs."Just while nobody is looking!" I smirk and nod."I'm serious." We laugh.

"I know." I kiss her again and we lay down and stay there for what feels like hours.

*Kara's POV*

I got up and left the treehouse and find my mother."Hello mother."

"Hello Kara, where have you been?"

"With Florin, we were in the treehouse."

"Alright, well the wedding is in about 2 weeks, so I expect you to be prepared, maybe get to know Mon-el a little."

"Yeah I guess that could be fun. We've hung out a little but not enough to know what type of a guy he is."

"I understand honey, but I also understand if you never learn to love that-" I cut her off, I was trying not to judge him because of where he came from.

"So far, he's actually a good guy. Better than any other Daxamite I've met. What if we were wrong about him?"

"I highly doubt that sweety, he might be sweet now but wait until-"

"Mom, no! Listen, I think Mon-El is actually into me, and I don't know why but I think I like that he's into me. He's actually very funny and cute. He's not that bad!" I storm out of the room hoping she wouldn't follow me. I needed to be alone. I went to my room and I opened the door and saw Mon-El in there.

"Mon-El! What are you doing?" He was looking at childhood pictures of me that were on my dresser. He was still in his bathing suit.

"Oh, sorry. I was looking for a towel and I stumbled upon your room. You were a very cute kid. Innocence in your eyes. Just like there still is." He made his way over to me and walked past me like he was leaving. He looked at me and smiled and continued walking down the hall. I walked up to him and asked him to stay put. He did. I ran to the bathroom and grabbed him a towel and ran back.

*Mon-El P.O.V.*

After I saw Kara run after her friend I decided to dry off and explore the palace. I was looking for a towel but I saw Kara's room. I went inside when I saw the pictures of her as a child. She was adorable. There were pictures of her and her friend too! She was so happy back then. The only time I saw her happy was when she was swimming. What if I could never make her happy? She's a Kryptonian but still. I don't like making people miserable. As I was about to walk out, Kara walked in. I felt my face turn red and my heart beat faster. I told her I was looking for a towel and I tried leaving as fast as I could. She followed me and told me to wait as she went and got one. While I was waiting, I started to wonder why Florin was bothered that I was checking her out. Who wouldn't? She's so hot. Kara eventually ran out of a room with a towel. She was laughing and looking and at me. I felt good.

*Kara P.O.V.*

I ran to Mon-El with a towel and I see him dripping wet. If my parents ever caught me like that in the house, I'd spend the night outside! I laughed at the thought of Mon-El sleeping outside. Not to be rude. I got to him soon enough and handed him the towel.

"What were you laughing at?"

"Oh, nothing, just a joke." I clear my throat to keep from laughing again. "So?"

"I'm sorry I was checking you out. You just, I just, I um, I'm sorry."

"It's okay. Really. So, what were you going to do after the pool?" I say. He wipes his face with the towel and messes up his hair.

"I was going to go back to my room and call my friends. Wanna come?"

I couldn't take it anymore. I reach my hand up and stroke my hair through his hair and it fixes all if it. Better.

"Thanks!" He looks at me with excitement. I think he liked it! Oh my Rao! Does the Daxam Prince like me? No.

"No problem. Let's go say hi to your friends!" I really wanted to meet them. I wanted to see if all Daxamites were like Mon-El or if they were party animals.

We go to Mon-El's room and video call his friends.


"Hey Mon-El!"


"Hey Danok! Hey Abby!"


"What's up?"


"Nothin much, just wanted to introduce you to someone."


"Um, hello!"


"Princess? Wow Mon-El. Is she nice? Mean?"


"Kara? Can you go get me a drink please? I am very thirsty."


"Yeah, BRB." I got up and went outside the door so he couldn't see me.


"She's great! She's beautiful, smart, cool, and even a bit of a badass! But she has a guy friend, he's into her. Definitely."

As they talked I went to go get Mon-El a drink, even though he didn't need one. That was a lame excuse. As I went to go get some water, I felt my face start to heat up and turn red. I was blushing and I was actually happy for the first time in a long time. 

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