The D.E.O.

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*Kara's POV*

I woke up and went downstairs for breakfast. Mon-el was in the backyard playing with kal. Eliza said today was the day we would go to the mall, whatever that is.

"Good morning kara, did you sleep well?" Eliza asks.

"I slept fine thank you." I took another bite out of my cereal. After I was finished I got changed and went outside with mon-el.

"Good morning kara." Mon-el said as he pulled me in for a kiss.

"Hey, what have you two been doing?"

"We have been playing catch with this foot and ball." Kal said.

"So, when are we leaving?" Mon-el asks.

"Soon, so kal go get ready. We are finally going out into the real world." I smile widely.

"I know, I'm really excited, but also a little nervous. I mean, what if they don't like us or what I'd we don't fit in?"

"I'm sure we will be fine, we both are quick learners and I know that when you set your mind to something you won't stop till its done."

"You're right, I don't know why I'm so nervous."

"It's okay, I'm nervous too, there is a whole new world out there that we have yet to meet." I grab his face."You don't have to be scared because I'll be with you the whole time." He pulls me closer and kisses me.

"I love you, you know that?"

"Yeah, I think I'm warming up to you too." We both let out a little laugh and we get called into the house.

"You two ready?" We nod and walk outside to the car.

"So, where is this mall thing?" Mon-el asks.

"It's about 10 minutes away." So, we drive and drive until we arrive to this huge building.

"Wow!" Our mouths drop.

"When you said we were going to the store to get clothes, you never said it would be this big." We started walking towards it when Kal took my hand.

"Hey, you okay ka... Clark?"

"Yeah, just don't want to get lost."

"You're not gonna get lost, I won't let that happen." I grab his hand tighter as we keep walking.

~A couple hours later~

*Mon-el's POV*

We were walking around and I felt the need to use the restroom."Hey kara, I'll be right back. I've gotta use the bathroom." I kiss her before I go.

After I'm done, I walk out of the stall to the sink. There is a box on the wall that says soap despenser. There is no button so I don't really know what to do. I put my hand under it and a bunch of foam comes out. I wash my hands and walk out. When I do, I see some woman looking closely at me and biting her finger. She points at me and tells me to come here. So, I walk over and introduce myself.

"Hello, my name is Mike Matthews." I hold out my hand and she shakes it.

"I'm Lydia." I try to let go of her hand but she pulls me closer to her and kisses me. I pull away and walk back a little, then I turn around and see kara run off.

"Kara, kara! Come back it's not what it looked like." She stops and turns around.

"Oh really then what was it?" I walk closer to her.

"I saw her looking at me and she told me to come here, I introduced myself and she kissed me, but I pulled back." Kara was crying."Please, you gotta believe me. I wanted to be nice so i didn't just turn my back and walk off, that would be rude."

"I do believe you Mon-el, but you have to be careful here." She pulls me into a hug."I've already lost my whole world, I can't lose you too."

"I know, I'm sorry and you won't lose me, I am never leaving you Kara Zor-El. I love you too much." I lift her chin up and kiss her.

"I love you too Mon-el, and I want to be a family, we need to get jobs here and get our own house. We can raise kal together."

"That all sounds amazing." So, we go find Eliza and we go home.

*Kara's POV*

A little while after we got home there was a knock on the door. I went downstairs to answer it. There stood a tall man.

"Hello sir, can I help you?"

"I hope so, my name is a Hank Henshaw, we found some strange spaceship in the middle of a field and we tracked whatever was in it here. Do you mind telling me who you are?" I start to sweat, Eliza had told me not to tell anyone about my powers and about the fact that I'm an alien.

"She is my daughter." Eliza answered, thankfully.

"When did you adopt her?"

"We didn't, I gave birth to her."

"So you don't mind if we take a DNA sample to test that theory?"

"Not at all, I'll be right back." She walks off and after about a minute she comes back with two cutips."Here, these are mine and hers." He takes the samples.

"Thank you, here's my number, please contact me if you find anything." Before he walks off Jeremiah comes to the door and looks at the man.

"Hank, why are you here?"

"I'm just here to take the alien that you are harboring."

"You can't have her."

"You don't have a choice, she comes with me." When he tries to grab my arm Jeremiah stops him.

"Wait! I'll give you something you want even more. Me."

"What, no you can't leave me." He turns around and hugs Eliza.

"It's okay, we'll see each other again."

"Jeremiah, it's time to go."

"I love you, both of you, please tell alex I'll miss her." He hugs us and starts to walk off. But before he is gone, Kal runs down here.

"Wait, I wanted to say thank you Jeremiah." He hugs him."Thank you for giving us a home and for keeping us safe."

"It was my pleasure. I'll see you around." He walks away and we shut the door. We start crying a little and I walk Eliza to the couch. We sit down and I just hug her. Mon-el comes downstairs because he saw Jeremiah leaving, we tell him everything and we just stay with each other.

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