Some Time Apart

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*Kara P.O.V.*

As I got dressed to go out to eat with Mon-el, I hear a knock on the palace doors. I walk down the hall, through the kitchen and living room, through the other hall and finally reach the doors. I open it expecting Mon-el or a commoner. But instead I see Florin.

"What do you want?"

"Nothing, I just wanted to say sorry about the way I acted."

"Oh, I'm sorry, which part? The part where you harassed me? Or the part where you ratted me out to my mom!"

"Both." He had a black eye and some stitches above his right eyebrow. Wow, Mon-el got him good. He deserved it though. After what he did to me.

"Ok thanks for stopping by!" I say in a sassy tone.



"Do you want to go get lunch? Right now? We can go anywhere."

"I don't think that's a good idea Florin. Me and my boyfriend are going on a date."

"Boyfriend? So it's official. Wow Kara, I thought you were better than this"

"Better than what?"

"Dating a Daxamite."

"SHUT UP FLORIN! You don't know anything about Mon-el! He is so sweet and kind! He actually treats me with respect! And if you don't realise that, maybe you're the problem!!!"

"Ok, well I guess you made your choice." I shut the door and heard him walk away. I couldn't stand to look at him. I can't believe I ever liked him. Let alone kissed him. I put my back to the door and took a deep breath. I walked back to my bedroom to get ready. I straightened my hair and put a short white dress on. I got my heels on and was ready to go. When I was ready, I walked to Mon-el's room to see if he was ready. He was still in his bathroom trying to tie his tie. I slowly walked into the bathroom and he looked at me.

"Hey babe!"

"Hey Kara! I can't get this stupid thing tied."

"You don't need that, you look handsome even when you first wake up. You're fine."

"Okay." He gave me a small kiss and he opened the bathroom door for me, the bedroom door, then the palace doors. After we got out of the palace property he grabbed my hand and interlocked it with his. We walked down the street like that. The paparazzi didn't dare walk up to us because we were having such a good time. He made me laugh so many times, my jaw hurt by the time we got to the restaurant. When we got there we sat down outside and talked about the wedding.

"I'm so excited! I get to marry the most beautiful girl that has ever lived."

"Mon-el, I'm not that pretty, okay? I'm sure that there's a girl prettier than me and I'm okay with that."

"There's not. You are beautiful Kara Zor-El!"

"Thank you." I lean over the table and kiss him. He has the softest lips I've ever felt. I leaned back to my chair and took a sip of my lemonade.

"So, I found a tux I want to wear to our wedding." Our wedding. It sounded magical now that he said it.

"Well, I can't wait to see-" I was cut off by a familiar face.

"Kara! Great news!"

"What now Florin?"

"You and I can be together! Even if you're married we can still go out! I was reading up on the principles of Royal Marriages and if the prince and the princess don't really love each other than they are allowed to date still!

When Florin said that I saw Mon-el get tense and he looked at Florin like he was about to kill him.

"Florin listen, I want you to listen carefully. I love Mon-el. Mon-el loves me. We want to get married and I hate you! Got it?"

"Got it but-"

"She said she hates you. What don't you understand about that?! She wants to be with me! So you better back off buddy before I get mad again! And if you think for one second she would ever be with you after what you did, you're just as stupid as you think Daxamite's are!"

I give Mon-el a 'Aw, you care' look. He gets up and faces Florin. He passes him and comes over to me. When he gets to me, he kisses me and I kiss him back. He picks me up, bridal style and carried me passed Florin. I kissed Mon-el while passing him. I could feel the jealousy boiling up inside Florin. I loved it, it made me kiss Mon-el even more. He carried me all the way to his room back at the palace. He laid me down on the bed and hovered over me.

"Did you really mean that?" Mon-el says.

"What? About me wanting to marry you?" He nods his head. "Of course! I couldn't see myself with anybody else. You are my sunshine baby! I love you to Daxam and back!" I pull his head down for a kiss and his whole body comes down. We kissed for 5 minutes straight, until I needed air. When I pulled away his lips went down to my neck. His hands reach under my shirt. "Mon-el... babe!"


"Stop for a second." He lifted his head and looked at me like I just took his favorite toy.

"We have to wait, only one more day. Then we can do this. After we are married."

"Okay." He said to me in a childish manner.

"You can still kiss me!" I said holding his face.

"No, we must wait. You said so."

"Curse my logic!"

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