Wedding Day X2

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*Mon-el’s POV*

“So, are you excited to see kara?”

“Yeah, I miss her so much. I thought you said you were gonna visit?” Kal says.

“I did but a lot has happened in the past year and it was rough.”

“I’m sorry.”

“It’s okay, it’s all been put to rest.” We wait an hour after getting dressed until we finally get a call from Alex telling us it was time to head to the D.E.O. We decided since we are low on funds and we don’t have very many guests that we could just do it there. Me and Kal get to the D.E.O. and see all the decorations. The chairs lined in rows. “Kal, will you be the ring bearer?”

“What is that?”

“It’s the very important person who holds onto the rings and brings them up to us when we’re ready. That’s how I want to surprise kara.”

“Okay.” He smiles and I hand him the rings.

“Now, go hide.” he runs off. I take my place up at the altar and everyone stands when the music starts. Maggie and Alex walk down the aisle with linking arms, looking a little uncomfortable. And behind them is Kara. They finally reach me and I link hands with Kara. “You look beautiful.” I smile.

“You don’t look too bad yourself.”

“You always said I cleaned up nice.” We decided that we wanted a close friend or family member to marry us, so we asked J'onn to do it and he accepted.

“We’re all here today to celebrate the relationship of Kara Zor-el and Mon-el and to be witnesses and supporters of the commitment they share with one another. Together we’re a group of the most important people in their lives and they’ve brought us here to publicly recognize that we’ve all played some special part in the love they share today. We celebrate the uniting in love, their hearts and lives. This is possible because of the love Rao has created in them.” We smile at each other. “Does anyone have just cause as to why these two should not be wedded?”


*Kara’s POV*

I woke up to darkness again. The other me was nowhere to be found. The kryptonite is off now so I feel my strength come back a little bit. I don’t have my powers right now but I still know a thing or two about fighting.

“It’s time for your breakfast.” A man walks in.

“What is it?”

“Grits but don’t worry, I sneaked you a little bacon and eggs too.” I smile.

“Thank you.” This man’s name is Josiah Parker. He has taken care of me since I got here. He doesn’t seem like the other people here, he seems trapped.

“So,I figured out a way to get you out of here.”


“You have to hurt me and steal the key right now.” He unlocks my arms like he does everyday for me to eat.

“I’m not gonna hurt you.”

“Fine, I’ll do it.” He rams himself into the wall.

“Josiah, what the hell are you doing?”

“I’m saving you.” He throws me the key. “Now go.”

“Do you know what they’ll do to you if they find out?” I start unlocking myself.

“It doesn’t matter, I’m in here for one reason and one reason only. To free all the aliens they have captured.” I sit beside him and grab his hand.

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