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*Kara's POV*

As I walked down the corridor, I realized I shouldn't have said those things. Even if he was a Daxamite. I tried to get him out of my mind but I couldn't help it. He was the most handsome person I've ever seen. I shouldn't say that about a Daxamite especially if he is going to be my husband. His deep blue eyes, it looked like he was more than a Daxamite. I decide to go find Kal-El. See if he wanted me to take him somewhere. Then I remembered that Kal-El had another friend over. He wouldn't want to be with me right now. After a few minutes of thinking I thought I could go for a swim in the pool. I walk to my room to get changed and I put on my white bathing suit. It had nothing on it. Plain white bathing suit. I grab a towel out of the bathroom and run to the pool. I wasn't going to let the Prince see me like this. It would be awkward.

When I got to the pool I set my stuff down on one of the chairs. The pool was beautiful. It had a fountain and a water slide. It also had trees that were teel and white all over the place. I walk into the water and submerge myself in it. It felt so good since it was so hot out that day. I was underwater for about 30 seconds until I came back up. I really wanted to use the new diving board. So, I went over to it and lifted myself out of the water. I sat on the edge for a minute for feel the sun blast heat on my skin. As I stand up to go onto the diving board I look over at the door leading into the house and out steps Florin. My best friend since we were little. He walked out in his bathing suit and helped me up off the ground.

"Thanks!" I said.

"No problem Kara. So what's up with this marriage thing?" He smiles.

"I came outside to clear my head about this marriage, but if you must know I have to marry a Daxamite in order to save Krypton."

"I'm sorry Kar, it must me horrible." He says nicely.

"It really is! I'd rather marry a human!"

"I agree."

"Come on. Let's swim!"

I got onto the diving board and looked back at Florin. He looked at me too. I turned around and looked into the water and dove. I came up for air and saw Florin do a cannonball. He screamed 'Whooo' as he jumped. He was always very funny. That's why we were friends.

"Hey! Hand me that towel!" I yelled.

Someone handed me a towel and I wiped my face to see Mon-El."Hello, Kara."

"Who is this Kara?" Florin said.

"This is the Daxamite I have to marry."

"Oh." Florin walked over to Mon-El. "If you ever hurt her I will personally come after you and make your life horrible."

"Yes sir, so what are you two up to?" He says smirking.

"Just swimming, what is it to you?"

"Just wondering if I could join you." He says smiling.

"Yeah, I don't think so." Florin says.

"I wasn't talking to you, how about it Kara?" He says hopefully."I just wanna get to know you."

"Fine, as long as you promise not to say anything mean or dickish."

"Easy enough." So, about 10 minutes later Florin is swimming with Mon-el while giving him dirty looks and I'm still laying down tanning. I see Florin get out of the pool and walk out so I say bye and start tanning again. I am laying on my stomach so I can't see anything, then I feel someone rubbing my shoulders. I never realised how soft his hands actually were.

"Wow, you got back fast Florin."

"Actually, it's Mon-el." I bolted out of my chair.

"What are you doing, why are you doing that?" I ask angrily.

"You look exhausted and you seemed like you needed a massage, I'll stop, I'm sorry." He is about to get up when I grab his arm.

"I'm sorry to judge you so quickly, and you were right, I am really tired and you were helping."

"It's fine, I understand I crossed the line." He stands up.

"Wait, can you maybe keep doing that, I mean it was helping and it did feel good?"

"Yes, of course." He starts rubbing my shoulders and back and it feels like he is taking all the ache out of my body."I was right, you are really tense."

"I know, my mother and father keep me very busy." We both laugh and it makes it less awkward. I jinxed myself because when I said that Florin showed up and sees Mon-el massaging my back.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?" He yells at him and pushes Mon-el away from me.

"I was just relieving her of stress, chill out."

"Oh yeah, that's not what it looked like from my point of view, it looked to me like you were checking her out." I gasp at that.

"Yeah I admit it, I was checking her out, but look at her, how could you not." I blush when he says that.

"Thanks, I guess."

"You're very welcome." He looks at me smiling, I look over at Florin and he has sadness in his eyes.

"Are you okay Florin?" I look at him.

"I think I'm go and clear my head." He walks away.

"Florin wait!" I look at Mon-el who has a 'sorry' look on his face."I think I'm gonna go check on him. Thanks for the massage." I start walking away and he grabs my arm.

"I hope we can go out again soon, and anytime with the massage." He lets go of my arm. I run out and I go to the only place I know Florin would go, Tromad. It was our treehouse that we built when we were little, it is really secluded. I start climbing into it, but when I reach the top I can't get in cause the door is locked.

"Florin, unlock it please." I hear a click sound so I go in.


Oh no, what's gonna happen?

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