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*Mon-el's POV*

I grabbed Kara and we ran to find our parents. Things were cracking and people were screaming, I didn't understand what was happening. Then, I saw my mother and father.

"Mother, what is going on?"

"I don't know, but it's not good. Kara's parents asked me to get you and her and bring them to this location." She pointed to a place on a map.

"What is it?" I ask.

"It's some kind of private hangar, she wants us there now." So I take kara by the hand and we run to the place. We arrive there and I see the pods we arrived in and a few others.

"Mom, what is happening?" Kara asked.

"Krypton is dying, there is no way to stop it."

"What can we do?"

"Nothing, we are sending you two and a few other people to a place called earth." Alura said.

"I've read about earth, it's full of petty crime and hateful people." I say.

"Wait! What about you mother, where will you be going?" Kara asked.

"Nowhere, there are not enough pods and I only care about taking care of my people."

"No mom, you can't die, I still have so much to learn from you."

"You have grown into a beautiful and strong woman, I am proud to say you don't need me." She said as she shed a few tears.

"M.. mom... n... no you... you can't do this, you can't leave me." Kara broke into tears. Then the ground starts shaking again.

"It's time, you have to go."

"I'm not leaving without you." Kara said as buildings fell.

"Kara, go NOW!" Alura yelled and Kara ran into her arms as I said goodbye to my parents.

"I love you mon-el and I hope we will see each other again in Rao's light." My mother said before hugging me.

"Goddbye mother, may we meet again." I grabbed kara's hand and helped her into the pod. As we were taking off, I saw kara's mother and father break down. But my parents stood there with a calm face the whole time.

We got off of Krypton in the nick of time, it exploded right after we were out. Then I realized that I would never see my home again since the debree from Krypton was showering onto Daxam.

I looked over to see a crying kara. I lifted my arm so she could scoot closer to me. She nuzzled into my chest and we sat there just thinking about everything we had just lost. We eventually fell asleep.


I opened my eyes and I was back in my old bedroom. Kara was nowhere to be seen, so I got up and walked around. I stopped immediately when I heard voices down the hall.

"Hello?" I say."Is anyone there?" As I walk the voices get louder and louder. I turn the corner to see my mother, father and Donak.

"Mon-el, hey brother." Donak looks at me and I look back in confusion.

"Donak? What's going on? How am I here right now?" Now he's the one with the confused face.

"What do you mean Mon? We are on daxam, don't you remember?"

"Remember what?" Then all of there bodies become almost transparent.

"It's okay my son, don't worry, we will be together forever." My mother says as she walks over to me and takes my hand.

"No! I'm... I'm supposed to be with kara."

"Who is this girl you speak of, another one of your late night rendezvous?" Donak says and laughs.

"No, she is my wife, we... we were in a pod because Krypton exploded."

" Don't you dare speak of krypton." My mother says then slaps me in the face."You will not disgrace our home by talking about that filthy place."

"I am sorry mother, I did not mean to upset you, I just want kara back." After I say this they all disappear. And everything around me is black until I look up and see Krypton exploding. I can't move so I stand there frozen and I see a huge chunk of rock hurling towards me. I close my eyes...


I wake up with a gasp, which wakes kara up."Hey, are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm sorry I didn't mean to worry you, just a bad dream." I kiss her on the forehead and we drift off in to a peaceful sleep.


I am so sorry for the delay, writers block sucks.

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I promise that I will not wait that long to update again.😊☺

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