I'll Never Love Again

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Mon-el was standing at the door, ready to open it. He paused and took a breath. This was it, if she wasn’t okay, then Mon-el was gonna kill Florin. Nothing would stop him, not even kara could talk him out of it. He opened the door to see a sleeping Kara. He walked over to her slowly and tried to wake her up.

“Kara,” He shook her lightly and a second later she opened her eyes.

“Mon-el?” she had this look of relief, but also of terror. “Mon-el, you can’t be here, Florin will be back any minute,” he shook his head.

“I don’t care, I thought he hurt you. I’m so sorry I couldn’t protect you. He caught me off guard,” Kara shook her head.

“It’s not your fault, I’m just glad you’re here now,” Mon-el leaned down to kiss Kara. While they were kissing, they heard the door open.

“What, how did you know she was here?” Mon-el ran over to him and punched him as hard as he could.

“You are a terrible villain, d-- did you really think that Eliza wasn’t going to call us?” Florin walked backwards after getting up off the floor.

“If you ever come near my family again, MY BABY AGAIN, I will kill you. If you think I’m bluffing, I really recommend you don’t,” Florin flew away as fast as he could. Mon-el turned to Eliza. “Thank you Eliza,” Mon-el gave her a genuine smile.

“Anytime, but I prefer not to get called by a psycho again. Anyway, congrats on the baby,” Mon-el hadn’t realized.

“Thank you,” he walked slowly over to her.

“Are they okay?” Kara smiled.

“He’s fine,” Mon-el laughed.

“I knew it! Where is he, can I see him?”

“Sure, let me call the nurse,” Kara calls the nurse and asks her to bring him in. A few minutes later she comes through the door with a tiny baby in her arms.

“Mon-el, meet your son,” he took the baby boy in his arms and sat next to Kara on the bed.

“Here you go, Mama,” Mon-el handed the baby to Kara.

“Hi. Hi, little guy, what are you doing? Look what we did,” Mon-el smiles.

“I see,” the little boy opened his eyes and stared directly at Mon-el. It’s like a switch went off in his brain. Mon-el felt complete. He felt as if his life now had meaning. Alex and Donak burst through the door.

“Oh thank god!” Alex ran to her sister.

“Alex, I would like you to meet Levi Mathews-Danvers,” Alex stared at the baby as if he was the only light in the world.

“It's a miracle,” Alex says.

“A little miracle,” Mon-el finishes.

“You are safe, you are loved, and you are wise,”  Kara kisses the top of the babies head. Everyone is in tears by now.

“He’s beautiful Kara,” Alex commented. The baby stretched out his arms and got an ‘aw’ by everyone in the room. Then he started crying.

“Must be time time feed him,” Mon-el looked curious.

“How do you know?”

“I-- I’m not really sure, I just know, you know?” they let out a soft giggle.

“Okay, we’ll wait out in the hall,” Alex, Donak, and Eliza left Kara and Mon-el in the room with Levi.

“So, how do you feed him?” Kara lifted up her shirt and let the baby latch onto her breast. “What the hell?” Kara laughed.

“There’s milk in there for the baby Mon-el,” he nodded. Mon-el was in an uncomfortable spot, so Kara scooted over as much as possible. He sat down and put his arm around her and put the other hand on Levi’s back.

“Thank you Kara,” Kara looks at Mon-el dumbfounded.

“For what?” Kara noticed his glassy eyes, shiny from unshed tears.

“For giving me a family, for taking me back, even when I was an ass. For marrying me, twice,” kara let out a soft giggle. “For loving me, from Krypton to here. Thank you for giving birth to my son and never doubting me. I know, sometimes I can be pushy, but I really am just trying to protect you. If anything were to happen to you, I would never forgive myself.”

“Mon-el, you don--” he cut her off.

“When we first met, I never thought that I would fall. I never thought that I'd find myself lying in your arms. I don't wanna know another kiss, and I don't wanna give my heart away to anyone else. I don’t want to know this amazing feeling unless it’s you and me. You’re the only person I’ll ever love,” Kara is in full on tears now.

“I love you Mon-el,” she looked up at him and gave him a passionate kiss.

“I love you.”

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