Time Flies When You're Having Fun

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*Donak’s POV*

It has been a week since I got here and Mon-el is still on his trip with Kara. I have gotten to know so much about Alex. I know how badass she is and I know that she has the heart of a hero. Superpowers or not, she would give anything to protect Earth. I also know that she is still with her girlfriend, but she can’t keep me off her mind.

“Alex, you’re here early.” I say as she walks in at 6:30a.m.

“Yeah, I-- I wanted to catch up on some work.” She stutters.


“Yep, yeah, mmm-hmm totally.” I walk close to her.

“Why don’t I believe you?”

“I don’t know, maybe-- maybe you just have b-- bad instincts.”

“My instincts are pretty amazing.” I put my mouth next to her ear. “I think that you came here to see me.” Then I back away.

“What makes you say that?”

“I can hear your heartbeat, as soon as you saw me it started speeding up. I didn’t know I made your heart race.” I run my fingers along her arm. “It’s okay Alex you can admit it. You like me and every time I’m around you can feel the heat rise in your chest. You feel like your knees could buckle underneath you.”

“No, you’re wrong.” She proceeds to back up but I just follow her.

“Am I? If I’m wrong then why did you kiss back the other day, huh? Why not push me away, someone in a happy relationship would’ve pushed away. I know you want me just like I want you.” Out of nowhere she crashes into me and forcefully pushes her lips against mine. I kissed back in an instant. I wrapped my arms under her legs and picked her up. I started walking towards my room. Once we finally got there I shut and locked the door. I put her down on the bed then lifted my shirt over my head. I lay down on top of her and thrusted my body into hers. She brings my head back down to kiss her. I started unbuttoning her shirt and she starting unbuttoning my pants. Once we were left in just our underwear everything slowed down. I paused and looked at her, admiring her body. I leaned down to kiss her passionately. “See, I told you you wanted me.” She put her finger on my lips.

“Shh, no talking.” I nod and lean down to leave kisses on her neck. Just when things start getting good we hear someone trying to open the door.

“Donak, it’s Mon-el, are you in there?” I look at Alex wide-eyed.

“Uh yeah just-- just give me one sec.”

“Oh, I’m sorry for interrupting. You’re with a girl aren’t you?”

“What-- no no of course not. I just need to get dressed.”

“Okay, I’ll be upstairs.”

“Okay.” I listen to make sure he is gone. “That was close.”

“Too close.” I get up and start putting my clothes back on while Alex does the same. “Okay, I’ll go the long way down to the first floor and you go see them. I’ll be back up in like 5 maybe 10 minutes.” Alex says.

“Okay, I’ll see you then.” I grab her and kiss her one last time before leaving the room. I go up to the main floor and spot Kara and Mon-el. “Hey guys, welcome back.” I hug Mon-el. “Kara, it’s good to see you again.” I shake Kara’s hand.

“And you as well Donak. I hear you’re Kryptonian so if you have any questions about your powers I’m always here.”

“That would be a big help thanks.” She nods and smiles.

“You two do realize that this is the first time you’re meeting face to face right?” Mon-el points out.

“Right, last time it was just a video call.” I say. “Well then, it’s great to finally meet you in person.” I smile.

“You too.” Alex walks out of the elevator trying to look casual.

“Alex, you okay?” Mon-el says.

“Pff yeah, I’ve honestly never felt better.” That makes me smile due to the things we just did which probably caused her good feelingness.

“It’s okay if you’re not, with everything going on with Maggie it’s fine if you’re sad.”

“Mon-el, I’m fine really. Yes, everything with Maggie is hard but I’m gonna be okay.” She looks at me then back at them. “Anyway, welcome back. How was your trip.”

“It was great, we went to see the eiffel tower in Paris city.” Mon-el says.

“It’s just Paris.” Kara corrects him.

“Ohh, just Paris okay, got it.” I didn’t notice I was still staring at Alex until Mon-el said my name. “Donak?” I quickly looked at him.


“You good?”

“Never better.” He gives me a weird look. The one he used to give me back on Daxam after I came into the house late at night after having sex.

“Kara, Alex, would you excuse us?”

“Yeah.” They walk off and Mon-el drags me to a corner.

“What did you do?”

“What do you mean?” I laugh nervously.

“I mean, you can’t keep your eyes off Alex and I used my super hearing when I went to check on you downstairs.”


“So I know that someone was in that room with you.”

“Fine, you caught me. There was a girl in there with me this morning.”

“I knew it, who was in there?” I shake my head and furrow my eyebrows. “Donak! Do not tell me what I think you’re about to tell me!” I make a guilty look on my face. “ALEX!”

“Yeah?” She yells from across the room.

“WOULD YOU PLEASE COME HERE?!” She runs over to us and I give her a sorry look. “Where were you this morning?”

“Um-- I was-- I was at ho-- home working late?”


“Fine, I was here.” She looks at me. “Why did you have to go and tell him?” She hits my arm.

“I didn’t, he guessed.”

“Alex, what about Maggie?”

“Maggie and I are over.”

“Since when?”

“Since last night. I went home late and she was there waiting for me. We talked it over and she packed her stuff and left this morning.” She keeps her head down.

“You are moving on too quick.”

“I’m not moving on too quick. I am grieving and he is helping me.” Mon-el makes a disgusted face.

“Eww, I did not need to know that.”

“Chill out, it’s not like we’ve done it.”

“Okay, I don’t want to hear anymore. You need to tell Kara about this. About everything.”

“I know.” Mon-el looks at Alex expectantly. “You mean now?”

“YES NOW!” Alex scurries off to Kara. “If you hurt her, I will kill you.”

“I missed you too brother.” I laugh.

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