The Reception

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*Mon-el’s POV*

“May I present to you Mr. and Mrs. Mathews.” Kara and I walk through the doors hand in hand, everyone cheering. Alex runs up to us and hugs us.

“I can’t believe it, you guys got back together and married in the same month.” We laugh.

“Yeah, I just couldn’t wait any longer.”

“So, let’s talk kids.” Alex says and Kara blushes.

“Woah woah woah, Alex calm down. We just got married.” Kara says.

“Technically you got married awhile ago.”

“Okay still, I don’t think I’m ready to share Kara with anyone yet. Not even a baby.” Kara looks at me with heart eyes.

“And I’m not ready to be pregnant.” Then Florin walks up to us.

“Great wedding guys.” He smiles and pats my back.

“Thanks Florin.” I stutter.

“Okay, I’m just gonna go mingle.” He walks away.

“Why did he get invited anyway.” I ask.

“Because he has been a huge help and he’s really not a bad guy anymore.” Kara and I look at each other.

“There is no way he just became a nice person. He did horrible things and you can never understand what it was like knowing that he had touched you and I just…”

“I know.” Kara puts her hands on my face. “It’s okay Mon-el.” I rest my head against hers.

“Um… Hello yeah hi.” Winn says into the microphone, getting everyone’s attention. “My name is Winn and I met Kara about a year and a half ago. She has been the most amazing friend. I’m sure most of you probably don’t know this but my father is in prison. He did some horrible things and he escaped awhile ago. Well Kara helped me through it. She put him back behind bars and she gave me somewhere to stay until I felt safe. She is one of the most amazing people I know and I am glad that I can call her a friend.” Winn walks off the stage and Kara hugs him.

“Thank you Winn.” Kara says.

“It’s no problem.” He smiles. Kara looks at me.

“Oh Winn, this is Mon-el my husband.”

“Hi I don’t think we formally met.” I shake his hand.

“Hi, you are a very lucky man.”

“I know.” I smile at Kara.

“Excuse me everyone.” Alex says into the microphone. “It’s now time for the newlywed's dance.” Everyone clears the dance floor and I grab Kara’s hand. I place my right hand on Kara’s hip and she puts her hand on my shoulder. We slowly start swaying with the music.

“You are so beautiful.”

“I can’t believe we’ve gotten married twice.” We laugh.

“I know.” Kara cuddles up close to me.

“That’s a nice sound.”

“What is?”

“Your heartbeat, I missed it.” My smile fades.

“I’m sorry.”

“For what, you didn’t do anything wrong?”

“I should’ve figured it out sooner. I should’ve known that wasn’t you.”

“Hey, it’s in the past now.”

“I’m just sorry.”

“Do you want to make an agreement?”

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