You're Alive!

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*Mon-el’s POV*

“Donak?” He smiles. “How-- how are you here right now?”

“I escaped Daxam just before Krypton rained down on us.” I grab his face.

“I can’t believe your here. How long have you been here?”

“A few months.”

“Why didn’t you come to me?”

“I wanted to make sure National city’s hero was my best friend before I did anything.” He smiles. “I am so proud of you Mon-el. You have made yourself great.”

“I had a little help. I escaped Krypton with Kara. She helped me see the light. Without her I don’t know where I would be right now.”

“I’m happy you have her.” I see him wince in pain.

“Are you okay?”

“No, I hurt myself and I’m not sure how but I have these amazing powers. Can you fly too?” That confuses me.

“No, Daxamites can’t fly. Kryptonians can.” His face falls.

“I guess there’s no use in hiding it. Um--” I cut him off.

“You’re a Kryptonian.” He nods.

“When I was just a baby my real parents didn’t want me. They were so young they didn’t understand how to raise a baby. They had a close friend on Daxam. They asked her to watch me and raise me. I’ve lived on Daxam ever since.”

“Why didn’t you tell me?”

“I don’t know, I guess I just wanted to fit in. A kryptonian living on Daxam isn’t exactly fitting in. We’re still friends right?”

“No.” He looks hurt. “We’re brothers.” He smiles and pulls me into a hug.

“Ow, too hard.”

“I’m sorry, let’s get that cleaned up.” We go to the D.E.O. and a bunch of agents run up pointing there weapons at him. “Guys, lower the guns.” Alex walks in front of me.

“Mon-el, who is this?” She asks, referring to Donak.

“This is Donak, my best friend from Daxam.” Donak walks down the steps and extends his hand. Alex takes it.

“Hi.” He gives her that smile that would make the women fall instantly for him.

“Hi, I’m Alex. So, what brings you to National City?”

“I was searching for Mon-el.”

“Okay then, Mon-el when you have a minute can we talk?” I nod and she walks off.


“You can’t touch her.”

“And why not, she is beautiful?”

“She has a girlfriend.”

“Challenge accepted.” He smiles.

“I’ll be back.” I walk over to Alex. “What’s up?”

“I think I may be um-- bi.”

“By what?”

“No bi.”

“Okay bye.” I turn around but she grabs my arm.

“Mon-el, I think I like girls and boys.”

“Ohh, I understand. How do you know?”

“When Donak smiled at me I felt-- I felt-- hot.” I laugh.

“You like Donak?” I laugh more, bending over and clutching my stomach.

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