Sometimes, Too Far is Too Far

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*Mon-el's POV*

We were headed toward the station but all of a sudden he takes a sharp turn. "Hey, where are we going, the station is that way?"

"We're not going to the station."

"Where are we going?"

"Here." He stops the car and someone opens the door and grabs me.

"Hello, Mon-el of Daxam. So nice of you to join us this evening." The men keep their grip tight on my arms.

"Yeah, like I had a choice. Are you the one that killed that man?"

"Well, not me specifically, but yes. Gentlemen, can you please take him to containment?" They nod and start pulling me.

"NO, WHAT ARE YOU GONNA DO TO ME?" I try to fight them.

"Don't worry about it, you're gonna have so much fun here." She gives me an evil smirk while they pull me away. A minute later they throw me in a cell and lock it.


"Shut up rat." I start punching the cell bars, but they don't budge. "Nth metal, pretty strong right?"

"They will come for me and you will regret everything you've done."

"That's what we're counting on."


"We want Supergirl to find us. It may take awhile, which will give us plenty of time to do to you what we wanna do."

"And what is that exactly?"

"We are gonna mind-wipe you."

"Why do you want to mind-wipe me?"

"You're gonna be our spy. We a way to break the girl of steel."

"I'll never work for you and there is nothing you can do to hurt her. She is the best of the best.."

"You won't have a choice and the only thing we are gonna wipe from your mind, is her." I see him press a button and suddenly glass surrounds my cell and a grey substance starts coming through a hole. I immediately realize that it's lead. Seconds later I feel my eyes fighting to stay open.

*A couple weeks later*

"Hey--" Someone hits the bars. "Hey, get up. It's time for daily questions." I open my eyes.

"I'm up."

"Good, now, what's your name?"


"Where do you work?"

"The D.E.O.."

"Who is Kara Zor-el?" The name sounds so familiar, but it doesn't ring a bell.

"I don't know, can I go now?"

"One more question. Are you ready to go out into the real world?"

"Yes, I would like that very much."

"Okay." He unlocks the door. "Go ahead." I stand up quickly.

"You just want me to leave?"

"Yep, no one's gonna stop you." I get up and start walking out. I finally reach the exit and I open the door. I breathe in the fresh air. I leap onto the roof of a building. I look around and study the city below me. I see a red and blue thing flying towards me. Next thing I know I am pinned to the ground with a woman hugging me. I don't pull back because I didn't remember what hugging someone felt like. It felt really good. She broke it after a minute.

"Mon-el, oh Rao I'm glad you're okay."

"I'm fine um--." She is still sitting on me so I gently push her off and stand back up.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm great why?"

"You just seem distant. You wouldn't of let me beak that hug if you missed me. What did they do to you?"

"I don't know what you're talking about. I just got bombarded with some girl who hugged me and you're saying that something's wrong with me?" Her face falls.

"Some girl?" I nod.


"Mon-el what's my name?" I shake my head.

"I don't know." I see a tear fall down her face. "What did I do?" I don't know this woman, but I feel like I should be careful with her. Or more like I can trust her.

"You don't know who I am?" I shake my head and frown.

"No, I'm sorry. Should I?"

"We need to get you to the D.E.O."


"Come on." She grabs my hand and pulls me up to the sky. Seconds later we land on the D.E.O. balcony.

"MON-EL, OH MY GOD!" Alex runs up and hugs me. "I can't believe you're here."

"Alex."The other woman said.

"He doesn't remember."

"He doesn't know me?" She frowns.

"Yeah I do, you're Alex Danvers, one of my best friends." I smile.

"You remember me?"

"Of course, how could I forget you?" I look over to find that woman tearing up again. "Did I say something wrong?" Alex shakes her head.

"Kara." Alex says, I assume that's the woman's name. "Maybe CADMUS did something to him, maybe he can get his memories back."

"You don't know that."

"Did I like, mean something to you. Am I your brother or something?"

"You're her h--"

"Alex don't."

"Kara, he should know the truth."

"What is it?" Kara looks away and Alex looks me dead in the eye.

"Kara is your wife." I get dizzy.

"What, no way, I would never forget something like that."

"Well you did." kara says.

"I'm so sorry, I didn't know." Kara looks at me.

"I'm gonna go, I am really tired." She walks out with Alex behind her.

"I'll see you later Mon-el." I nod.

*Kara's POV*

I couldn't handle this so I walked out and went home. A little while later, Alex walks in.

"Kara, why did you leave like that?" I don't look at her. "Kara, talk to me."

"I can't Alex, I'm scared." Tears start pouring down my face.

"Why are you scared?" My breath hitches in my throat. I have to tell someone, just to get it off my chest. I put my head down, letting a few tears drop.

"I'm pregnant."

"What, since when?"

"Since we got back from the honeymoon. I was feeling a little weird so I took a test and it's positive."

"That's great Kara!" I shake my head.

"It's not great."

"Why not, you don't want a baby?"

"My husband doesn't remember me Alex. He came back, but CADMUS messed with his head and erased me from his mind."

"I bet if you told him, it might--- it might spark a fuse or something."

I don't want to risk it. I mean why-- why would they do this? What do they get out of this?"

"I don't know. But we will figure it out. I can't believe I'm gonna be an aunt." She laughs giddily and I smile at her. What am I gonna do now?

I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter and I hope you're not tired of it yet. There are still many chapters to come!

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