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*Kara's POV*

I had just finished work for the day and I was walking to my new favorite cafe. As I was walking, I thought I heard some footsteps trailing behind me. I stopped and so did the steps. So I started picking up the pace and without even realizing it, I was running. I ran into an alleyway and stopped. I turned around and there there stood a man in a suit. It was like he was wearing a black paper sack.

"Who are you?" I asked. He stepped really close to me."I said, who a...." I was cut off because he had flown above me. I couldn't see him so I turned around about to fly off when he grabbed me and kissed me. I push him off of me, but the kiss. It felt so familiar, like I had kissed them before. I reach up to take off his mask but he grabs my wrist.

"Not yet." He said with a voice modifier.

"Why won't you tell me who you are?"

"Cause I don't want you to know yet." He touches my face."I'll see you soon." Then he flies away. I fly home and sit on the couch. Mon-el walks in the room and sits next to me.

"Hey, something wrong?" He takes my hands.

"No, I just ran into someone today. He was wearing a mask but he seemed familiar."

"Did he hurt you or anything?" I look him in the eye.

"No, no I'm fine, he didn't do anything." I lied to him, right in his face. I meant to tell him the truth but I didn't.

"Okay, as long as you're safe. I love you." He kisses me and I lean into it.

"I love you too." He stands and pulls me up with him. He carries me bridal style to the bed. He started kissing my neck and I didn't mind because Kal was staying at Alex's. We kissed for awhile and just stayed together. I let out a stifled yawn.

"You tired?" I nod and he pulls the blanket over us. I put my face in the crook of his neck and smiled against him.

"I love you Mon." I pecked his neck.

"I love you more." He had his arms around me and it made me feel safe. It made me feel loved.

"Don't forget to dream about me." I say with a smile.

"I would never." He kissed my head and we drifted off to sleep.

*Mon-el's POV*

I opened my eyes and there she was. Beautiful as ever, the sun shining on her face. She looked so peaceful, I could stay like this for hours. I hadn't noticed that she started stirring in her sleep. She opened her eyes, looked at me and smiled.

"Hey." I said.

"Hi, did you sleep okay?"

"I slept great knowing that you were in my arms." This made her smile even more and she kissed me.

"Thank you." I give her a confused look.

"For what?" She interlocked our fingers.

"For waking up with me." I smiled and kissed her hand.

"Anytime." We started kissing and after about 5 minutes we got up and got dressed. While she was making herself some coffee, I came up behind her and hugged her."So, what do you have planned today?"

"Well, I was thinking that I could go visit Eliza. It's been awhile and I miss her."

"Do you want me to come."

"I thought you had some more training to do. You told me you wanted to get it finished so you could be on the force."

"Right, I'm sorry I forgot. I could forget the world existed if I kept staring into those eyes of yours." She smiled.

"Oh Rao, stop you're so cheesy." I smirked.

"Do you really want me to stop?" She raised and eyebrow.

"Not really, no." I looked at the clock and it read 9:30.

"Shoot, I am late I gotta go,  love you." I kissed her.

"Love you too." I ran out the door and leaped to school.

*Kara's POV*

I had lied to him again. It's true, I did miss Eliza, but I wasn't planning on seeing her today. No, what I wanted to do was find that man. I wanted to find out who he was before I said anything to Mon-el. So, I did the only thing I thought was right. I flew to the top of a building and I used my heat vision to right my family's code of arms. I had waited there for what seemed like hours when finally he showed up.

"I see you got my sign." I could feel his smirk. Why did I get such a weird vibe from him.

"Where is your follower?" I make a confused look on my face.

"You mean Mon-el, my husband?" He nods."He had to work."

"Did you tell him where you were going?"

"No, I didn't but he trusts me." He lifts his hand up to his face.

"He won't after he finds out who you've been seeing." He starts lifting the cloth up and I see a red suit with gold lining and a gold cape. He pulls the cloth all the way off and I see him."It's been awhile, how are you?"


Sorry I haven't updated in awhile. This week has been insane and I've just been really exhausted. Anyway, I hope you liked the chapter. Left it on a cliffhanger cause I'm mean...

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