In Control

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*Mon-el's POV*

It has been awhile since Kara left. She was supposed to report back to me hours ago.

"Alex, have you heard anything from Kara?"

"No, but I'm sure she's fine. She can take care of herself."

"What if she's hurt or trapped?"

"How about I scan for her and you can go find out yourself?"

"Okay yeah." She scans for kara and finds that she is in an abandoned warehouse across the city. "Okay, I'm going."

"Be careful."

"Always am." I leap to the building and land in front of it. I slowly walk up to the door and crack it open. I move slowly so I don't make any noise. Then I witness something I never wanted to. Kara in bed with Florin. I felt my heart break into a million pieces. How could she do this to me? I see her get up and start looking around so I back away and leave the area. I go back to the apartment and Alex shows up.

"Mon-el, what happened? Did you find her?" I turn my head so she can see the tears. "What is it, Kara's not..."

"No, no Kara's not dead. I'm gonna kill him alex. I'm gonna kill that son of a bitch!" I get up and head for the door but she stops me.

"Woah, tell me what happened first."

"I went to the location and I saw something I wish I hadn't. They were... they were in bed having... doing..."

"I'm so sorry Mon-el."

"You know what's funny? She was afraid that I was gonna be the one to cheat." Alex envelopes me in her arms.

"I'm so sorry, this was never meant to happen. I wish there was something that I could do but there's not."

"I'm want to kill him Alex."

"I know, but that won't help anybody. What we need to do now is confront ka..."

"Confront me about what?" Kara walks in the door.

"Uh..." I sit on the couch, not able to make eye contact with her.

"What, spit it out?"

"Mon-el went to check on you because you never checked in and he saw you with Florin."

"And?" I look up at her angrily.

"Why... just tell me why you did it?"

"I don't know, thought it would be fun."

"Kara we're married, you don't just go screw any guy you want."

"No Mon-el, we aren't married. We were married on Krypton and Daxam but as far as I'm concerned our marriage ended the same night krypton did."

"I thought you loved me."

"You were fun, before you I had never really done that kind of stuff. And I'll give it to you, it was good. But you know, I couldn't be tied up the rest of my life."

"KARA!" Alex yells.

"Alex!" Kara yells. "You were good Mon-el, but Florin, oh he's how do I put this? He's beyond anything you could do. Plus, he's kryptonian which makes it all the better." She smirks and I see a hint of red in her eyes.

"I loved you kara. I really did. You were the one person I wanted to come home to. I don't ask for much. I just thought that we could have this love between us and that would be enough. But I guess I was wrong."

"I don't think yo..."


"You don't know how to love daxamite. Florin loves me and I love him. Now if you'll excuse me, I came here to get some clothes because I'm staying with him for awhile." I look down trying to fight the tears that are pulling at my eyes. "Oh don't worry sweetie." She lifts my head back up. "You're my second favorite." She kisses my head before going to pack.

"What do we do?" Alex asks.

"There's something wrong with Kara."

"I know, she's completely different."

"I mean, she had this look in her eyes. And I swear I saw red in her eyes."

"We'll fix it."

"Thanks for having me over but I'll be going now." I grab her arm and pull her back to me. I then grab her face and make her look me in the eye. I still see the red glimmer.

“What are you doing.” I hug her tight and I feel something that’s hurting my chest. I pull back and before Kara can walk off I knock her out, which was very hard to do considering she’s Kryptonian. I pull her shirt down a little and there sat on her chest a necklace. One I’ve never seen before. There is a little glowing ball in it. I rip it off her neck and hand it to Alex. I pick Kara up and leap to the D.E.O. I put her in a cell and stand there watching her till she wakes up.

“Mon-el?” She sits up slowly. “What’s going on?”

“How much do you remember?”

“I was at the apartment with you and I was saying I was gonna find out what Florin was up to. I went to this warehouse and he was there. I went in and that’s it. Why am I in a cell?”

“You went a little rogue.”

“What did I do?”

“You hurt me… a lot.”

“I’m sorry, what did I do?”

“You um.. You were with Florin. You never checked in so I wanted to check on you. I went to that warehouse and you and him were in there doing stuff.” The tears pull at my eyes.

“What stuff?”

“You know, adult stuff.”

“Oh, I would never do that to you Mon-el I’m so sorry. What would make me do that? I thought we reversed the potion’s effects.”

“We did, but this was something else. He gave you a necklace and it had this red orb in it. When I hugged you I felt it in my fest so I ripped it off of you and here we are.”

“Oh, you are probably never going to forgive me or talk to me again so I just want to say that I love you. And I can’t imagine what kind of pain I put you through. Maybe what’s best for me is if I leave National city. Just move far away from all this.” I open the cell doors. “Goodbye Mon-el.” She kisses my cheek. Before she walks out I turn around and say...

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