The Heart Wants What It Wants

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Nothing major had happened since that entire situation with Mon-el losing his memory. They still hadn't located the red daughter. She's been off the radar since she escaped from the D.E.O. Kara and Mon-el have been in this fantasy world. Kara being 5 months pregnant, Mon-el has been waiting on her hand and foot. He hasn't left her side. Donak is still on the crazy objective to get Alex to like him for him and not just use him as a toy for her problems. He gets closer and closer everyday. Today, he was gonna try one last time to change her mind. Everyone had been at the D.E.O. just in case something was to happen. Except for Kara and Mon-el of course. J'onn and Alex wouldn't let her come anywhere near here. Donak normally stayed near the training room. He is just sort of around... a lot. He's been a huge help. Nobody has seen Florin for a couple months. I guess Kara and Mon-el's happiness got to him. Oh and Naomi transferred to another facility. It got too awkward to be around Mon-el and Kara, especially after the wedding. Alex had been searching for Donak when she finally found him working out in the training room. Alex didn't think he needed to workout. She thought he had the perfect body. She found herself gazing at him through the small window on the door. She hadn't noticed him gazing at her until he started coming towards her. He opened the door.

"Alex, what's up?" she had no answer. All she could do was look at him. They had been "together" for awhile now. The only people who knew about it were Kara and Mon-el. They promised not to tell anyone.

"Um-- what?" she was in a trance or something. Her mind was telling her to speak, but her body wouldn't allow it.

"Alex?" before she knew what she was doing she slammed the door in front of him and walked away. She was standing next to Winn when she saw him working out again. Watching him made her feel... good. She couldn't apprehend how he moved the way he did. She hadn't noticed Winn trying to get her attention.

"Geez Alex, you're looking at him like he's your next meal." she hadn't realized what she said before she said it.

"Yeah.. he is," realizing what she had just said, she quickly puts her hand over her mouth. She watched Winn die of laughter. She wanted to punch him, but she found herself watching Donak. She noticed him walking her way so she quickly made herself look busy.

"Hey Alex, Winn you alright?" Winn was wiping away the tears.

"I think I'm gonna go over there. You're making Alex too sexually frustrated," Alex put her hand up like she was gonna hit him, but he quickly maneuvered himself away.

"Don't listen to Winn," he gets close enough to where his hands are holding him up by holding on to the desktop. Alex is trapped with nowhere to go.

"Am I doing something wrong?" he is still sweaty from his workout.

"What.. n-- no. I-- I just- Oh look at the time, guess I've gotta go home an-- and w-- water my floor," Alex tries to get out of his grasp, but it's useless.

"Water your floor? That's the best you could do?" his laugh makes Alex feel weak in the knees. "Why don't I help you, you know, water the floor?" all Alex could do was nod. Donak took Alex's hand and jumped off the balcony. He held her close, right up until they got to her apartment. They couldn't keep it together and they started kissing before they even made it in the door. As they pushed through, they heard someone clear their throat. Alex looked to see who it was and that person was Maggie.

"Maggie, what are you doing here?" she doesn't answer. "Um.. Donak. Why don't you give us a minute?" he nods and walks back outside. He can't help but wonder what they were gonna talk about, so he listened in. He knew it was probably wrong, but what's the worst that could happen? "So, what's going on?" Alex started.

"I needed to see you. I think I made a big mistake," Maggie drifted a little closer to Alex.

"What do you mean?"

"I have been in hell and I hate myself for letting you go. I love you Alex and I want everything with you. I never imagined having kids before, but when I see you and me I know that we are supposed to have that. We can do this," Maggie grabbed ahold of Alex's hands, but she pulled them back hesitantly.

"Maggie," Alex backs away and puts more space in between them. "You can't say that you don't want kids and then months later come here and tell me you changed your mind. It doesn't work that way," she tries to keep her voice down, but it turns into a little shout.

"I know and I'm sorry it took so long, but I'm here now and I want to be with you."

"It shouldn't take that long to decide what you want. You can't just come here out of nowhere and tell me this. It's too much."

"It's too much? Why are you sleeping with a man? What? You just decided after I was gone that you would go back to being straight?"

"It's not like that. And you have no right to question me. It's none of your business."

"I bet he only wants you for your ass!"

"He doesn't. He is one of the nicest people I have ever met. He has been there for me since we broke up. He has helped me up when I have fallen," at this point, there are tears threatening to fall out of Alex's eyes. "I think you should leave," Maggie walks out without saying another word. Donak knew, he definitely did not need to hear that.

"Hey, you okay?" he walked in and closed the door.

"No, can I just be alone right now, please?" Donak shakes his head.

"Not a chance," he sits on the couch and gestures for her to sit with him. "Come here," he holds his arms open for her to cuddle into him, which she does. "Just, tell me what you need."

"I need you to tell me what you want from me," Donak is confused by this.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, what is this. Do you actually like me or is she right, are you just using me?" Donak stands up.

"If you have to ask that, then clearly you haven't been paying attention," he kneels down and takes her hands. "I'm falling in love with you. I know now is not the best time to be telling you this. But I can't stop it. It's like every time I see you, I just get pulled towards you somehow. I'm like a magnet attracted to your metal-- okay that sounded bad," they can't help but laugh. "What I'm trying to say is I want to be with you. I-- I don't just want to be friends who do stuff. I want to be two people who really like each other, who want to be together. You may not know this about me, but I have lived through so much. I have seen unspeakable things that would give a normal person nightmares. I been through war and death. Every night, while I was sleeping, I would have those nightmares; but when I met you they went away. Do you know why? It's because you made all that pain disappear. I know, that you being with me, you may not have a normal life and we would definitely have to be careful doing stuff. But I know, that if we were together, I would love you everyday and I would never hurt you. Mon-el and I used to be frat boys who would get drunk and have a different girl every night. But Kara changed him and you changed me," Alex lets go of a breath she didn't know she was holding. "I know it's a lot and I'll give you as much time as you need to think it over. But please, just give me one chance to prove to you that I can be a good boyfriend. I'm gonna go. Bye Alex," he walks out, shutting the door behind him. Leaving Alex with a million things circling around in her head.

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