Time Together

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*Mon-El P.O.V.*

The wedding is only a week away. I was nervous and excited at the same time. I could feel my stomach start to knot up and I realized I hadn't eaten all day. I walked to Kara's room first, to see if she wanted anything. I was going to go to my favorite fast food place, Gurgles. I knocked on Kara's door and I heard a voice on the other side. Kara opened the door after about 30 seconds.

"Hi Mon-El! What's up?"

"I was just wondering if you wanted to go with me to Gurgles?"

"Um." She glanced over her shoulder and asked if it was okay if she went. I quickly looked and saw who it was. It was Florin. I quickly turned my head before she could see me looking. I wanted to ask her why he was there but I didn't. They were friends, I wasn't going to stop that. I would respect that. "Yeah, sure! Let me grab my coat!"


*Kara P.O.V.*

I closed the door on Mon-El slowly so it didn't seem like I was shutting him out. I turned around and Florin looked at me like I should have said no.

"What?!" I said.

"Nothing, go have fun with your boyfriend, Kara."

"Florin, he's not my boyfriend first of all and you said I could go. I'll stay if you want me too."

"No, go with Mon-El. I'll see you later."

"Ok, thanks!" I grab my jacket from behind him and he pulls me in for a kiss. I kiss him back and soon he lets go. I smile at him and run off towards the door. I see Mon-El down the hall and I walk over to him.

"Hey Mon-El!"

"Hey Kara! You ready?"

"Yeah, whose car are we taking?"

"I was hoping we could walk there. It's only ten minutes away."

"I guess so. I wore comfortable shoes. But,we will have to put on some hats and sunglasses. The paparazzi, the most annoying thing on Krypton."

"Ok I'm fine with that, Daxam's paparazzi was also very annoying."

As I walked over to the closet to find some hats and sunglasses I could tell Mon-El was looking at me. I didn't know how, I just did. I saw the hats but I couldn't reach them. I was on my tippy toes when I almost fell.

"Here, let me." Mon-El said. I got out of his way and he smiled at me. He reached up and grabbed the hats and glasses. I looked at him and smiled. We stood there for about a minute just looking at each other. Finally I cleared my throat and looked away, still smiling though. He hands me my hat and glasses. I put them on and we made our way out of the palace, we got down the road around a half mile until paparazzi showed up.


"Princess Kara? Is this the Prince of Daxam? What is he doing? Why is he here? Princess Kara?"

We just kept walking and not answering their questions. I didn't want the whole world to know that we had to get married. I didn't want the world to know that I like a Daxamite. I would be shamed by my whole planet. They don't know the circumstances.

We made our way into Gurgles and the paparazzi left us alone. Mon-El opened the door for me and I said "What a gentleman" we both laughed and went to the front counter. I ordered a salad and Mon-El ordered a cheeseburger. I took out my wallet and took out a twenty for the both of us. I look up and the cashier was handing Mon-El the receipt.

"Mon-El no! I don't want you to pay for me. I can pay for myself. Here." I hand Mon-El the twenty and he pushes it back to me.

"No, I can't accept that princess."

"Yes you can! And you will!" I hold his hand out and I put the twenty in it.

"Fine, but your salad only cost four dollars."

"That's okay. Have the rest. A gift from me to you."


*Ten minutes later*


"Number 23!"

"That's us." Mon-El says as he looks at the receipt. I run to the counter to get our food before he can. I get us a booth and we both sit down and start to eat. I unwrap my fork and dig in.

"So? Who were you talking to earlier? In your room."

"Oh, um, just Florin. We were just talking about life."

"Uh huh."


"Just the way he looks at you, the way you look at him. You are more than friends Kara, I know."

"No, nothing like that. We aren't dating. No, never. He just doesn't want me to marry you."

"Yeah, because I'm a Daxamite and he wants you for himself."

"No, just, well, maybe you're right."

"Yes, yes I am Kara." He says laughing. He knew about me and Florin. I couldn't hide anything from Mon-El. Is he a love expert? He knew that Florin liked me, I liked him back, he knew that Florin doesn't like Daxamite's. I was almost done with the salad when I see Mon-El had ketchup on his face.

"Hey, uh, Mon-El, you have a little something right there."


"On the side of your mouth, the left. You know what..." I reached over the table and wiped it off.


"You're very welcome." I smiled and he turned red. He was blushing.

"You're very red too!" He got even more red.

"Yeah, I'm pretty hot in here, let's go."

"Okay!" I wiped my hand on a napkin and we left. When we were walking back I saw some ships above us. They were fighting jets. I think Mon-El could see where I was looking. He got in front of me and tilted my head down.

"Hey, it'll all be over soon. I promise." And for the first time, I actually believed it. I realized that me and him will be ending this soon and everyone can go back to living a normal life. I nodded and we kept walking. We reached the front doors and I opened it for Mon-El.

"What a gentleman!" He said. I couldn't stop laughing. I don't know if it was the joke or everything was going great right now. I was just happy I guess. We were walking down the hallway when we got to my room.

"This is me! I have to call my mom and talk to her about what type of dress she decided for me to wear. Can't wait!" I said with a sarcastic voice.

"I had a really great time Kara. Can we do this again sometime?"

"Definitely!" As I turned around to walk into my room a hand grabbed my arm. Mon-El spun me around and pulled me in for a kiss. I didn't pull away. I didn't want to. I put my arms around his neck and he put his hand on my waist. He put his other hand in my back pocket. I didn't know if he was being romantic or just trying to touch my butt, but I let it slide. I pulled away slowly to let him know I liked that kiss. That I didn't regret it. I lowered my hands to his chest and put my forehead on his shoulder. He took his hand out of my pocket and raised it to my waist.


"Thank you Kara."

"Anytime." I smiled at Mon-El then turned around and went into my room. I shut the door behind me and plopped down on my bed. I felt something in my back pocket when I hit the bed. I reach back into my pocket and take out a twenty. That son of a Daxamite. 

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