Absolute Pressure

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*Mon-el’s POV*

I walk into the bedroom and find Kara, lying on her bed. There is a thing on her chest though. Some kind of weird plant-like alien. I’ve never seen it in my life. I walk over to her and try to pull it off but it doesn’t budge. So, I pick her up and go back to the D.E.O. When I get there I put her in the medbay.

“Mon-el, what the hell is that thing?” Alex asks.

“I have no idea. We need to get J’onn to check it out.”

“I’ll get him here.” Alex walks off to call J’onn and I just stand next to Kara focusing on her face. She looks peaceful. A few minutes later J’onn and Alex walk back in. He takes a good look at it and comes up with a conclusion.

“Black Mercy.”

“What does it do?” I ask.

“The Black Mercy attaches to a victim and paralyzes it with euphoric or horrendous visions while slowly killing it’s host.”

“How do we get it off?”

“You have to convince Kara that her hallucinations aren’t real.”

“And how do you suppose we do that?”

“You have to go into her mind. See what she sees. It’ll be like dreaming but it will feel very real. I suggest the person who has known Kara the longest. Who knows everything about her.”

“Me, you want me to go into Kara’s dream world and somehow convince her that this place is better?”

“Yep, pretty much.”

“It's gonna take some time.” We put these sticky things on my head and I lay down.

“Now, we put communications on this so we should be able to hear what’s going on. You have to have something of Kara’s to make this work. Something she holds dear to her heart.” Alex lifts Kara’s sleeve up and exposes our wedding band. “Use this.” I take it and put it on my wrist. Alex presses a button and I suddenly drift off into a sleep. Moments later I wake up. I look around and by the looks of it I’m back on Krypton. I walk around and I suddenly see a little girl around the corner.

“Hi.” She looks at me. “What’s your name?”

“Kara.” I look at her in disbelief.

“Hi Kara, my names Mon-el. You may not believe this but I’m from the future.” She walks closer to me.

“Prove it.” I laugh.

“Well, you see this?” I pull up my sleeve to show her the wedding band but I get interrupted by a little boy.

“Kara, where did you go?” That voice sounds so familiar, but I can’t quite put my finger on it. I look over at the little boy and my heart explodes. It’s me, younger me on Krypton. All those years ago I had visited Krypton and I met a little girl who was very sweet and gentle. I knew I had some kind of connection with Kara I just didn’t know to what extent.

“Hi, is your name Mon-el?”

“Yeah, how did you know that?”

“I’m you, from the future.”

“Prove it.” Wow, kids. I get real close to his ear and I whisper something into it.

“You like Kara?” He nods. “Guess what, you get to marry her.”


“Yeah, you do. And you two fall madly in love. She’s your soulmate.” My heart skips a beat. Suddenly, little me disappears and young Kara becomes grown.

“Mon-el, I’m so glad you’re back.” She runs into my arms. I’m not gonna lie, it felt good. It felt right.

“Back from where?” I let go of her.

“From Daxam silly, you went to see your mother and father remember?”

“Oh right, I must’ve forgotten.” She smiles and I just look at her. “What?”

“It’s just, I haven’t seen you smile like that in so long.”

“What do you mean?” Then I feel a huge rumble.

“Kara, we don’t have time, we need to go.”

“Go where?”

“Your hallucinating, all this isn’t real.”

“Of course it’s real, it’s home and you’re my husband.”

“Kara, I need you to wake up. Don’t you remember Earth and Alex, J’onn.”

“This is my life. Why are you saying these things?”

“It’s the truth. You’re right okay, we are married and this was supposed to be our life. But it’s not, we live on Earth. Krypton and Daxam are gone.”


“Yeah, do you remember?”

“Mon-el, what’s happening?”

“I need you to believe this isn’t real Kara, I can’t make this decision for you. But if you don’t make it fast we are gonna be stuck here forever. Please Kara, see the truth.”

“Mon-el…” She starts to reach for me and I reach for her. But suddenly there is this white light and next thing I know I’m back in the D.E.O. with everyone staring at me. I look over to see Kara still unconscious.

“You pulled me out? Why did you pull me out? She was reaching for me.” I yell.

“I didn’t.”

“No look, you did it she’s waking up.” J’onn said. I look over at her and the creature crawls off and falls on the floor. Seconds later it turns into dust. I walk over to Kara as she’s waking up.

“Kara, hey are you okay?”

“Mon-el, what happened?”

“Don’t worry about it right now.”

“Who did this to me?” She starts crying.

“I don’t know, but we’re gonna figure it out.” I sit next to her and I let her cry into my shoulder.

“I lost my home again. I had to leave it again Mon-el.” She weeps.

“I know and I’m so sorry. I wish none of this had happened and I’m so sorry for just pushing you aside. If I’d been there with you you wouldn’t of had this black mercy thing on you in the first place.”

“It’s not your fault. I’m the one that pushed you away. I’m the one that made you move away. I’m the one that lied about how I really feel. I never should’ve said those things to you and I’m… I’m so sorry.” She cries harder.

“Hey, come here.” I gesture for her to hug me and she accepts.

“I’m sorry.”

“It’s okay Kara.” I rub the back of her head. She just sits there listening to my heartbeat. As I rub her head I look over and see Naomi standing in the doorway. She looks sad. “Hey, I’ll be right back.” Kara nods and I get up to talk to Naomi. “What’s wrong?”

“I just see how you are with Kara. You clearly still care about her.”

“Of course I care about her. She’s still technically my wife.”

“I heard everything you said in the dream. About you and Kara. You two are soulmates, you belong together.” She starts tearing up.

“Naomi, we were. And yes we are still technically married but I love you and I want to marry you.”

“Mon-el, I’m sorry.” She takes her ring off and puts it in my hand. “I can’t marry you when you clearly love someone else.”

“Naomi please don’t do this.”

“Goodbye Mon-el.” She walks off crying. I want to run after her but my legs don’t move. I just stand there with absolute pressure on my heart.

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