It's Just The Beginning

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The final chapter, wow! I can't believe this day is actually here. I'm gonna be honest, i cried while writing this chapter. I hope all of you enjoy the last chapter of this story!

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!PLEASE PLAY THE VIDEO WHEN I SAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Today was the day that Kara got to go home. The baby was a week old and the most adorable thing they had ever seen. The thing Kara didn't know was that, everyone was standing behind her door at their home. They had planned a surprise party. Kara and Mon-el were about to walk through the door with their newborn. Everyone quieted down. J'onn, Alex, Donak, Kal-EL, Eliza, Winn, every was there. Mon-el opened the door.

"SURPRISE!" Kara jumped. As soon as she saw everybody, she pasted this huge smile on her face.

"You guys," Alex gave her little sister a tight hug. "Thank you so much."

"Speech!" Winn chanted.

"It's the people like you that get me through everyday. I can't believe all you planned this. And I'm even more surprised Mon-el could keep it a secret," everyone laughed.

"Yes, I am very proud of him," Alex gushed.

"Thank you so much for being there for me through everything, I love all of you," everyone raised their glasses.

"To friends!" Kara stopped them.

"To family, love bonds us all," they all drank from the glasses. Alex took baby Levi.

"Um, excuse me. I've only ever told this to Alex, cause she's my best friend, sorry Donak," Alex laughed. "I have been working on a song. I taught myself how to play guitar back on Daxam. I've been writing this song for about four months now. I was planning on singing it to Kara alone, but since all of you are here, I thought I would share our love with you," he looked at Kara. "Kara, I love you and this is for you," Alex stood beside her and gave her a big smile.

"Don't be nervous, it's beautiful," she nodded.




"Everybody's looking for that something
One thing that makes it all complete
You'll find it in the strangest places
Places you never knew it could be," 
he was playing the guitar beautifully.

"Some find it in the face of their children," Mon-el's eye drift over to Levi, then back to Kara.

"Some find it in their lover's eyes
Who can deny the joy it brings
When you've found that special thing
You're flying without wings,"
 Kara is already crying.

"Some find it sharing every morning
Some in their solitary nights
You'll find it in the words of others
A simple line can make you laugh or cry,"
 she had the biggest smile plastered on her face with happy tears falling out of her eyes.

"You'll find it in the deepest friendship
The kind you cherish all your life
And when you know how much that means
You've found that special thing
You're flying without wings,"
 Kara couldn't stop looking at him with astonishment.

"So impossible as they may seem
You've got to fight for every dream
'Cause who's to know which one you let go
Would have made you complete,"
 even Alex had tears in her eyes.

"Well, for me it's waking up beside you
To watch the sunrise on your face
To know that I can say I love you
At any given time or place,"
 Kara's heart exploded with love.

"It's little things that only I know
Those are the things that make you mine,"
Kara mouthed 'I love you' to him.

"And it's like flying without wings
'Cause you're my special thing
I'm flying without wings,"
Kara could barely see out of her eyes. The tears kept building up.

"And you're the place my life begins
And you'll be where it ends,"
she'd hope that's how it would be.

"I'm flying without wings
And that's the joy you bring
I'm flying without wings,"
Mon-el put down the guitar and took Kara in his arms. They shared the most passionate kiss.

"I love you so much Mon-el," he let a few tears drop.

"I love you so much Kara," before he'd met Kara, he had his life planned out. He would get married to some random woman on Daxam and he would rule as the King. But when they met, both of their lives changed for the better. He became someone she could see herself spending the rest of her life with. And she became the person Mon-el was gonna learn from and hold onto for the rest of his life. As for Alex and Donak, they would be married and have a few little children of their own. They followed Kara and Mon-el into the sunset. They had a long and happy life. Donak became a hero alongside everybody else. Years after, their children would takeover and fight for the people, just like they had for all those years. They would become the protectors of the innocent. Their love for each other would be the thing that held them together. Before they met, Kara and Mon-el didn't know love. But they came together and created a beautiful life. Neither of them would change a single thing that happened, because it brought them to this moment. It brought them their little boy. The universe gave them something they both didn't know they needed. It gave them forever. It gave them partnership, love, friendship, and a child. They couldn't have been happier in that moment. They knew their love for each other would live on, even when there lives came to an end. There love was something for the books. It was something people could look up to. Two people, from rivaling planets, coming together to form the perfect life. Kara and Mon-el would forever be in the history books. And centuries from now, there love story would become a nursery rhyme for little children. It would become a melody for those people who didn't believe in true love. And it would become people's saving grace. Kara and Mon-el's love for each other would change the world and the lives of people and aliens alike. 


That's all! Thank you all so much for reading this. I started it, because I wanted Karamel to be together. I wanted to write something that meant something to someone. I wanted to put a smile on their faces. I hope this story did that. This has been an incredible journey. The beginning wasn't the best, but 62 chapters later, it has 17.4k reads. This story means the world to me. And I hope it will continue to put smiles on faces. Sorry for all the heartbreak and cliffhangers I put on here, it was to spice things up. I'm gonna let all you know, that I cried writing this. But thank you so much for reading. Have a good day.


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