You Can't Help Who You Love

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Alex had scrutinized the things in her head. She didn't think it would be smart to make a decision like this overnight. She had to choose between two people. One, being the woman who showed her how to be herself and the other being the man that succored her through heartache and pain. She was incognizant of what to do. All these scenarios were gyrating around in her head. She just didn't want to hurt anyone. But she had been leaning more toward Donak. Just to give it a chance. She loved Maggie, but she thought about the future. What if they do get back together? Would Maggie live in regret having kids and getting married? Would she hold her liable for all of it? And Donak. Would she feel contrite about not giving him a chance that he very well deserved? She didn't know what to do. She had to have help. Should she ask Mon-el or Kara? Considering Mon-el is Donak's best friend, he might tell Donak everything she tells him. She decided the best option would be Kara. She couldn't wait, she had to talk to her about it now. An hour or two after she had heard the "big speech" from Donak, Alex called Kara and asked her to come over.

"Alex?" she let Kara in.

"Hey um... thanks for coming," Alex couldn't stop pacing around the room. She was like the energizer bunny.

"Alex, what happened?" she was trying to find the right words.

All that came out was, "help."

"Can you please sit down, you are making me nauseous!" Alex stopped pacing and nervously sat next to Kara. She avoided eye contact.

"So, I saw Maggie today."


"Here, she was here waiting for me to get back."

"Why did you leave the D.E.O. early?"

"How did you know I left early?"

"Well, J'onn called and asked if I had seen you."

"Oh," she doesn't think she should tell Kara the reason she left early. Kara knows that Alex and Donak have been doing stuff, but it's still embarrassing. Especially when she can't control herself. "No reason, I just needed some air," just tell her what she needs to know. "Maggie told me that she wanted me back, that she wanted to have kids with me."

"That's great!" Kara said excitedly. All Alex could do was frown and shake her head. "That's not great?"

"Literally a few minutes after she left, Donak said he loves me and he wants to be with me," Kara puts a shocked expression on her face.

"Really?" she says sarcastically.

"Is it that obvious?"

"Duh, he only talks about you nonstop and when we go to the movies or on game nights he always wants to be next to you."

"I'm so stupid."

"What do you want to do?"

"I don't know. I feel like if I get back together with Maggie, she'll regret having kids and I'll regret not giving Donak a chance. I really like him, I do. And yes, I do wonder what it would be like to be with him, for reals. But, I don't know how to make a decision like this."

"Okay, I'm gonna ask you a series of questions. You have to answer them really quickly okay?"

"I have no idea how this is gonna help but okay."

"Pizza or potstickers?'


"Solve crime or fight crime?"

"Fight crime!"

"Maggie or Donak?"

"Donak!" Kara smirks at her sister.

"There you go."

"Woah, how did you do that?" Alex says excitedly.

"I didn't do anything, you know what you want, you just don't know you know what you want. Does that make sense?"


"So, are you gonna tell him?" she thought about it for a minute and finally came to the conclusion that she had to. She didn't want to hide her heart anymore. Even if it did cease badly. It's about 1a.m. now, so he might be sleeping. But it would be totally worth it.

"I think I will."

"Go get your man," Alex couldn't wait, so she ran outside to her car and drove, probably too fast, to the D.E.O. Once she got inside, she started calling Donak's name.

"Donak! Donak!" there was no answer, so she went downstairs to his room and found him asleep in bed. She quietly shut the door and took off her shoes. All she was left in was a t-shirt and some joggers. She cuddled into Donak, causing him to wake up.

"Alex? What are you doing here?"

She didn't want to talk, so all she said was, "I choose you," this caused a big smile to appear on his face. He brought her lips up to meet his in a delicate, but passionate kiss.

"I love you and I promise you won't regret it," Alex wrapped her arms around him even tighter. She didn't want to be apart from him for one second. She needed his warm touch. He pulled her as close as humanly possible. She cuddled into his shirtless chest and they fell asleep in each other's arms. The next morning, Alex had woken up awhile before Donak did. She drew circles on his chest, which woke him up.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to wake you," he smiled and yawned.

"No, it's okay. I really liked waking up next to you. I'm glad to see you here. I thought last night was a dream," Alex touched his face and pulled his body on top of hers.

"It definitely wasn't a dream."

"It's my dream."

"Well, you're welcome for turning your dream into a reality," Donak kissed her sweetly. "You know, my bed is much more comfy."

"What are you trying to say?" he smirks.

"I think maybe we should take this back to my place. Maybe make a little breakfast."

"Or we could skip breakfast and go straight for dessert," he kissed her again. But this time it wasn't gentle. It was a hungry kiss. And it wasn't just her lips being demolished. It was her neck, her chest. He knew how to get her juices flowing.

"Yeah, we should definitely go back to my place for some dessert," he couldn't help but smile. He picked her up and flew her to the apartment. They made sure to lock the door before they went to the bed. He paused for a second just to look at her. "What?" she smiles.

"You are just so beautiful," she kisses him gently. "I promise to be gentle," they laugh at his comment. She knew she didn't have to worry about Donak. He was going to be an amazing boyfriend. He was going to take care of her.

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