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In the car on their way to Mon-el’s apartment. It’s a little outside the city so the drive was maybe 30 minutes.

*Kara’s POV*

I snuggle up close to Mon-el, breathing in his scent. “I missed you so much.” I feel him squeeze me tight then I hear him sniffle. “What’s wrong?”

“I’m just happy and I feel really guilty. Those moments that we shared, the other you. They were something we would tell our kids about. They were magical.” I frown.

“Did you like her more?” He hesitates to answer and he keeps his face out of sight by looking the other way. “Mon-el, look at me.” I grab his face and turn his head towards me. I see the tears in his eyes. “You did.”

“No, it’s not like that. She was just more open about her feelings and she didn’t hold back. It felt good knowing where I stood.”

“Mon-el, all you have to do is ask.” He smiles.

“I know that now. And I’m sorry, I should’ve known she wasn’t you. I mean, she was pretty uh… how do I put this… fierce. No, not fierce, needy. It’s like she was attached to my hip.” I push my finger against his mouth.

“Shh, I don’t want to hear about her.” He nods. “I want to be here with my husband and I don’t want to talk, I just want you to hold me in your arms.”

“I can do that.” I feel him squeeze me in his arms and I close my eyes. Next thing I know I’m being shaken awake by Mon-el. “Kara, wake up. We’re here.” He helps me out of the car. I was really exhausted so he lifted me bridal style and we went up to his place. We got inside and he laid me down on the couch. “I’ll get you some more comfortable clothes to put on.” He leaves and comes back a second later with clothes in his hand. I try to take them but he pulls back. “Let me help you.” I nod tiredly and turn around. He unzips my dress and I feel his knuckles lightly brush down my back. It felt like a sting of electricity. I feel him lean forward and not a second later his lips are pressed against my back. My back arches instinctively. He starts massaging my shoulders while kissing all over.

“Mon-el.” He hums in response. “It’s been so long and I’m tired.” He puts his mouth up by my ear.

“Are you sure I can’t persuade you?” I feel his breath against my neck, my cheeks get flushed. He starts kissing my neck and I lay my head back to rest it on his shoulder. He snakes his arm around my waste. I groan in response to his question. He slowly starts pulling my arms out of the fabric while I just lay there weak and flushed.

“Mon.” After he gets my arms out he turns me around. He comes toward me fast and crashes his lips against mine.

“This is my Kara.” I smile against his lips.

“Mon--” He kisses me, “I am really--” He kisses me again, “Tired.” When I finally get the words out he rest his forehead against mine.

“I understand, I’ll start you a bath so you can relax.” I nod.

“Thank you.” He stands up and walks to the bathroom while I take the dress off and put it in a protected cover. I walk to the bathroom and see him turning the water off after the bath is full. I get rid of the rest of my clothing and he helps me step into the bath. He turns to walk out but I stop him. “Sit with me?” He turns around and smiles. I scoot forward, showing him to get in the bath. He unbuttons his shirt and takes off his trousers. Once his clothing is removed, he slides into the tub. I lean my back against his chest and I rest my head on his shoulder. He grabs the loofah and pushes me up.

“Here.” I sit up and he starts rubbing my back with it. “How is this?”

“It’s perfect, thank you.” He continues to rub my back with it. I am so distracted by him rubbing my back that I don’t even hear the phone ring. Mon-el answers it.

“Hello?” He is silent for a second. “Yeah, I’m on my way.” He hangs up. “There is something going on downtown, I’ll be back.” He gets up and walks out.

*Mon-el’s POV*

I got the call from Alex that there was this mysterious marking on top of a building. SInce Kara is tired I decided to check it out myself. I leaped to the building to find nothing. “Alex, whoever left the mark here is gone.” I look around and I find a note. ‘Meet me at the bar, alone.’ “Whoever it is wants to meet at a bar. And he wants me to go by myself.”

“That is not happening, we have no idea what this guy is capable of.”

“I don’t have a choice, I have to know what he wants. Let me do this last thing and I’ll leave the rest for the D.E.O.”

“Fine, but please be careful.” I go to the bar and I walk in slowly. I look around and there aren’t many people here. A couple sitting at the bar. A woman pouring drinks. But there is this guy sitting in the back corner with a hood. I walk over to him.

“Did you leave this for me?” He shifts his head a little then nods. He gestures for me to sit across from him.

“Thank you for coming.” He has a voice modifier.

“Do you mind showing me your face?”

“Fine, but not here. Meet me on the roof.” He runs out and I follow. We get up to the roof and his back is turned to me. He takes his hood down and slowly starts turning around. I can barely see his face since it’s dark so I walk a little closer. I finally get close enough to where I see him and my knees feel like they are gonna buckle underneath me.

“Hello brother.”

Oh no, cliffhanger! Who is it gonna be? What do you think this guy wants?


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