Welcome Home

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*Two weeks later, Mon-el’s POV*

We got all of our stuff unpacked in our new apartment and it was the first day back at the D.E.O.

“You excited to see your friends again?”

“Yeah I am. We should get going if we don’t wanna be late.” She starts walking to the door but instead I pick her up bridal style. “I know a faster way.” I jump out the window with her in my arms and we make our way towards the D.E.O. When we get there it’s dark. I don’t know my way around this D.E.O. facility. This one is in the city not far from the apartment. “Hello?” I yell. All the lights flicker on.

“Surprise!” Everyone yells.

“Oh Rao! You guys.”

“Welcome home Mon-el.” J’onn says.

“Thanks.” Alex walks up to us.

“Welcome back Mon-el and welcome to the team Naomi.”

“Thank you.” Naomi says.

“Mon-el.” I turn around and see Florin. “I just wanted to clear the air and apologize for everything I did. I am sorry. Are we okay?” I get my face real close to his.

“There is nothing in this universe that will ever make us okay. Stay the hell away from me.” I say then bump his shoulder when I walk away. I go into the training room to find Kara punching and kicking a giant block. “Sorry, I’ll just go.”

“It’s okay Mon-el. So I’m guessing the reason you’re in here is because of Florin?”

“Yeah, he wanted to clear the air and I practically told him to buzz off.” She laughs.

“Yeah I get it. I did the same thing. I was actually angry at them for hiring him but in time I got over it.”

“So, how are you, how’s life?”

“I’m okay I guess, I found a nice job and I’ve made friends.”

“Good good. Well I’ll just… just get out of your hair.” I start walking out.

“No Mon-el wait.” I stop and turn around. “I know that you’re with someone and I know that you love her so I’m not gonna prod, but I would still really like it if we could be friends. Your friendship was always important to me.”

“Of course we can be friends Kara.” I say with a happy voice reassuring her.

“Thank you.”

“I’m gonna join the party, would you like to join me?”

“I think I’m gonna stay in here a little while longer.”

“Okay, I’ll see you later.” She nods and I walk out.

“Hey, you okay?” Naomi asks.

“Yeah, I’m fantastic.” I smile and we walk back into the party. A couple hours later everyone starts to disperse and go home.

“It’s great having you back Mon-el.” Agent Vasquez says.

“Thanks.” She walks off and I am greeted by Kara.

“How was the party?”

“It was fun, I didn’t realize how much I missed everyone.”

“We all missed you too. So, you never told me about Naomi.”

“I’m sorry Kara.”

“Hey no, it’s okay, I practically told you to go find a new life anyway. So, tell me about her.”

“Are you sure?”

“Yes, I’m positive. If we want this friendship thing to work then things can’t be awkward.” I nod.

“Okay um… where to begin. I met her the same night I left National city. She let me stay at her place. She is wonderful and generous.”

“She sounds amazing.” She looks at me funny.

“What?” I laugh a little.

“I was just admiring the beard, it’s nice.”

“Thanks, yeah Naomi said that I would look good with a beard and I always wanted to grow one and see for myself.”

“Oh wait, you um.. You have some uh, icing in it.”

“Oh.” I start touching my face to find it. “Here?”

“No it’s, it’s.” She starts pointing but gives up. “Here, let me.” I flinch a little. “What, it’s not like I’m gonna hurt you.” I ease up and let her get the icing out. She laughs while rubbing her hand through my beard to make sure she got all of it and while doing so she just stares directly in my eyes. She clears her throat. “I think I got all of it.”

“Thank you Kara.”


*Naomi’s POV*

I was just talking with a couple people when I looked over and saw Mon-el talking with this woman. “Hey Alex?”


“Who is that?” I ask pointing to the girl.

“Oh, that’s my sister Kara.” I see her start playing with his beard, laughing.

“Kara? As in his ex-girlfriend Kara?”

“Yeah, but don’t worry, they are just friends now.” I nod. I look back at Mon-el and see him walking towards me.

“Hey, you about ready to go?”

“Mon-el, I am gonna ask you a question and I want you to be one hundred percent honest with me.”

“Okay.” He smiles.

“Do you still have feelings for Kara?” His smile fades.

“No, of course not, I love you Naomi. What brought this up?”

“I just saw you over there being really friendly.”

“Well we’re friends.”

“I mean, why was she touching your face?”

“Oh, yeah I am definitely cheating on you with my ex.”

“Mon-el.” He bursts out laughing.

“I’m kidding Naomi, she was getting icing out of my beard. You know, the one you wanted me to grow.” I put my face in my hands.

“I’m sorry, it just looked like something else coming from my point of view.”

“Hey, it’s okay. I would probably think the same thing if this situation was flopped. You can trust me okay?”

“Okay.” I hug him.

“Now, let’s get home cause I’m really tired.” I nod. We start laughing about our conversation while we walk out.

*Kara’s POV*

I was standing in the hallway hiding myself from Mon-el. I watched him hug her and I watched them walk away laughing. Alex walks up to me.

“Kara, what’s wrong?”

“I just, didn’t know how hard this would be. Alex, all I want to do is hug him and kiss him and tell him that I love him. But I can’t do any of those things because he is in love with someone else.” Alex hugs me.

“I’m so sorry Kara. I know this is hard for you. But you have to get used to the fact that he moved on. You should too you know. Move on I mean.”

“Maybe you’re right, I need to forget about him and find another one. Thanks Alex, I know you’re not really my sister but it feels good knowing that you’ll be there for me whenever.”

“Anytime Kara.”

I hope you all enjoyed and don't worry. There is more to come from Kara and Mon-el's relationship so don't ask me if karamel is gonna get back together cause this is a karamel story so...


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