Who The Hell Are You?

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*A few weeks earlier, Kara’s POV*

I went home after a long day and I sat on the couch. I get a call from Alex telling me I need to get to the D.E.O. now. I go to fly out the window but then I feel a sharp pain in my shoulder and all I remember was passing out. I wake up tied to a chair.

“Hello?” I yell. I can’t see anything and have nothing but a hospital gown on.

“Hello Kara Danvers or should I say Kara Zor-el.” A bright light shines on my face.

“Who’s there?”

“We are CADMUS.”

“Why am I here?”

“Because if you weren’t locked up then people would be suspicious as to why there are two Kara Zor-els.”

“What?” I ask but get no answer. A green light is shown around me. “UGHHHH!” I scream in pain. “WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM ME?”

“We want you and every other alien on this planet to leave and never return.”


“We don’t want people to think you’re missing.”

“YOUR LITTLE ACTRESS WON'T WORK!” I hear a soft but evil laugh.

“Mon-el seems to like her.” No. Not Mon-el. “She set up cameras in his house, would you like to see?” A screen turns on and there lies Mon-el. The woman pretending to be me walks over to him and sits on him. They start kissing and things escalate.

“PLEASE TURN IT OFF!” I start crying. Then I hear Mon-el’s voice.

“I love you Kara.”

“I love you too Mon-el.”


“They won’t figure it out. She is you, made from your DNA. She has all your thoughts and knowledge. She is the new Supergirl.”

“NO, THEY WILL FIND ME! JUST PLEASE, TURN IT OFF.” The screen goes black.

“Since you said please.” She goes silent for a minute. “Ah, welcome back Kara. How was your day?”

“So good, Mon-el and I got hot and he asked me to marry him in Barbados.”

“Good, things are going according to plan.” I hear footsteps next to me then the entire room lights up. I look over and there stands the woman who looks like me.

“Who are you?” I ask.

“My name is Kara Zor-el and I am the red daughter of Krypton.” She lifts her arm up and punches me, knocking me out.

*Present Day, Mon-el’s POV*

I woke up and looked at Kara sleeping peacefully next to me. We moved in together right after we got back from Barbados. Today is the day I get to marry Kara Zor-el again. I made breakfast and set a plate next to kara. I wrote a note telling her I couldn’t see her before the wedding because that is some kind of tradition on Earth. I call Alex and let her know that I’m coming over.


“Hi Alex.”

“Oh hi Mon-el, what’s up?” She sounds sad.

“I’m coming over to get ready.” I hear shuffling.

“O… Okay, how long do you think you’ll be?”

“I don’t know, maybe 5 minutes.”

“He’s coming over here.” I hear Alex whisper.

“Alex, are you okay?”

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