Family Matters

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*Kara's POV*

We have been walking for a few hours now and we ended up in a little town called midvale. We're not sure where to go, which makes us look like lost puppies."Mon-el, we need to stop somewhere to rest, Kal is tired."

"Here, let me see him." I bring Kal to him and he lifts him up bridal style so he can sleep.

"We should ask for help, I mean maybe not all people are mean here." We look around and find this woman who looks to be about my mother's age, with blonde hair.

"Mam, can you please help us?" She looks us up and down.

"Here, follow me." She starts walking fast to a parking lot."My name is Eliza Danvers."

"I'm kara, this is my mate Mon-el and my cousin Kal-el. We have no idea where we are, all we know is that this is earth."

"Where are you three from?"

"Well, me and my cousin are from Krypton, but Mon-el is from Daxam."

"Okay, let's get you somewhere safe." She opens the door to this machine and tells us to get in. So, we do and the machine starts making a sound.

"What is this machine?" I ask.

"It's called a car, it helps you travel to far off places."

"Oh." Mon-el takes my hand and about 10 minutes later we stop at a house.

"Okay, let's get you inside." Eliza says. We get out of the car and follow her into the house. When we get inside, there is a man sitting down reading.

"Eliza, is that you?"

"Yeah honey, it's me."

"I'm glad you're hom...." He walks over to give her a hug, but then sees us."Eliza, who are these people?"

"They um... they are aliens from another planet."

"And you brought them here?"

"Yes, I'm sorry, they were lost and didn't know where to go."

"It's okay." He walks over to Mon-el."Hello, my name is Jeremiah Danvers, you are welcome to stay here as long as you need, we have a spare bedroom since our daughter moved out a little while ago."

"Thank you sir, we don't mean to be any trouble, but we haven't slept in awhile and we are mourning the loses of our families." He looks worried.

"Okay, let's start with why you're here." We sit down on the couch and Mon-el takes my hand.

"Well, it was the day after our wedding and Krypton started shaking and crumbling. It started falling apart so, my mother sent us here. Before we went far, we saw Krypton explode and all the debree showered onto Daxam."

"I am very sorry for your loss."

"Thank you, and thank you for letting us stay here." I turn to look at Kal who is waking up.

"Kara, where are we?"

"We are at the Danvers house, they are letting us stay with them for awhile."

"Do you mind showing us where the bedroom is, we have been walking for hours and we are very tired." Mon-el says.

"Of course." We follow Eliza up the stairs and enter through a big white door.

"If needed, there are some clothes in the closet that alex left here."

"Thank you." Eliza shuts the door and I walk into the closet to look. I found some sweatpants and a shirt. I put them on and walked out. As soon as I do Mon-el hugs me and kisses my neck.

"Are you okay?" He asks.

"Yeah, just a little tired."

"Okay, let's lay down." We lay on the bed and Kal lays down in between us.

"I love you Kara." Kal says.

"I love you too kal." I kiss his forehead then I kiss mon-el and we fall asleep in each other's arms.


Sorry if it's a little short, hope you are enjoying the story so far, and please leave a comment telling me what you think.

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