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*Kara’s POV*

Mon-el and I had woken up in a strange place. It didn't look familiar and nobody was around.

"Kara?" Mon-el asked.


"I feel a little strange." As soon as he says that I begin to notice that I do not feel completely like myself.

"I feel different too." We look out the window and up at the sun. I pointed to it and said."That's the yellow sun, I read somewhere it's supposed to give us some sort of inhuman capabilities."

"Huh." He looks out the window again and something catches his attention."Stay here, I'll be right back." Before he can get up, I grab his arm and pull him towards me.

"Be safe." I kiss him.

"I will. I promise." He gets out of the pod and walks away.

*Mon-el's POV*

I was looking around after kara had told me about the yellow sun and something caught my eye... more like someone.

I told kara to stay here and I would be right back. I got out of the pod and walked to the top of this hill. I don't see anything for miles, but I do see another pod Identical to the one kara and I were in.

"Kara, come look at this!" I yell to her and in a blink of an eye she is right next to me."Whoa, how did you do that?" I say.

"I don't really know, I guess we are going to have to figure out what our powers are."

"Anyway, look down there." I say pointing at the pod.

"There could be anyone in there."

"Let's check it out." I take her hand and we run down the hill,to the pod."Wait!"

"What?" She says concerned.

"What if... what if the person in here takes advantage of their abilities?" She takes my hand again.

"Hey, I'm sure whoever is in the is just as freaked as the both of us. We'll be fine." After she's done talking, she presses a couple buttons and the pod opens."You have got to be kidding me!"

"What? Who is it?" I stand next to her."Of course, we could've found anyone in this pod and it had to be you." I say to the man.

"Hey, I'm not thrilled to be here either!"

"Then why are you here, you could've stayed behind and burned with the rest of kryp...." Kara stopped talking and collapsed onto the ground.

"Kara, Kara come on get up." Her eyes flutter open."Hey, are you okay?" That was a dumb question, none of us are okay. We are on a strange planet and our homes just got destroyed.

"No, I'm not okay. None of this is okay, we just lost of families Mon. What are we gonna do?" She starts crying into my chest.

"We are gonna be strong and figure it out okay."

"Kara?" A little boy calls to her.

"Kal?" She turns around and a big smile appears on her face." Oh my Rao, are you okay?" She pulls him into a hug.

"I'm okay, I just wanna go home." She looks sad again.

"Our home is gone buddy, I'm sorry." Kal-El tears up a little and hugs kara, then to my surprise he runs over to me and gives me a hug.

"Hey buddy, I'm happy to see you here. Wanna with something?"


"Can you keep kara happy until we figure out what we're gonna do?"

"I will try my best." He gives me a fist bump.

"Thanks." He runs back over to kara."Now, what am I gonna do with you?"

"Nothing, you're gonna leave me the hell alone and I'm gonna go find some place far away from here." He yells.

"Fine by me, so what are you waiting for?"

"I want to talk to kara first" He starts walking over there and I follow behind him."Alone!"

"Fine, but I swear to Rao if you hurt her, I will kill you!"

*Kara's POV*

I see my ex-best friend walking towards me."What the hell do you want?!"

"I want to apologize for everything I did to you, I know there is no way you can forgive me, but I just thought you should here it."


"I..." I cut him off.

"DON'T!" He walks back to his pod and takes out a a bag. He looks at me one last time and runs off. Next thing I know, Mon-el is holding me in his arms and whispering sweet nothings into my ear.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't of let him come anywhere near you." I lift Mon-el's chin so he's looking at me.

"You didn't do anything wrong, you are one of the only reasons I'm standing here right now, I love you." I gtab his face and kiss him.

"I love you so much kara." Before we get our stuff out, we kiss and hold each other for another minute.

"Kal, get your bag." He grabs his stuff and we start walking off, leaving Krypton and Daxam behind.

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