Chapter 1: New life

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Jae POV:

I'm sick and tired of being the bad cop but what else can I do when I have to raise two children on my own. Who knew kids could be so complicated and stubborn? I mean they don't listen to me, they make fun of me sometimes I wonder are they even my kids or are they my tormentors? Don't get me wrong I love them both with all my heart but they can really piss me off sometimes, I'm not the most filtered person so I tend to voice my opinion a lot and that involves me cursing a lot. I'm not a bad parent, I just don't know how to be a proper parent well not yet and it's been 6 years.

"Mama, Junae won't wake up" Lucas waltz into the living room all ready dressed for school. Lucas is one of the most intelligent kids I know, he knew how to write his name at 2, he could dress himself at the age of 5 and he can tie his own shoelaces.

"Oh my gosh, what time did she sleep?" I ask Lucas but he just shrugs his shoulders and sits on the table.

"Snitches get stitches" he exclaims with a cheeky smile on his face. I hate the fact that they gang up on me. I rush up the stairs with my mum face on prepared to give this little girl a piece of my mind.

"Junae! Your ass better-"

"Damn Mama calm down you gonna give me an earache" she steps out of her room dressed in her yellow dress that Uncle JB got for her birthday. In her hands she has a comb and hair gel. Well at least I can abuse her hair as punishment.

"Don't get into any trouble today and stop using your brothers name to get you outta trouble" I scold her as I brush her edges back. Junae just like her mother likes to pick fights with people and threatens to call her brother to beat them up. She's all talk and absolutely no walk.

"In my defence they marinate the beef, I just cook it to my liking" she smirks before hoping off my lap and picking up her school bag and rushing down the stairs. I swear I was never this bad when I was younger, was I?

"Took you time" Lucas says as he stands at the door with his arms crossed eyeing both of us.

"Shut up Lukie and get in the damn car" Junae slaps the back of his head forcing him to rub it and get in the car. It's always chaos in the morning but once they're in school it's the most peaceful thing.

"Oh yeah today Johnny is picking you up I'm working till late" I tell them as I begin to reverse, the car is filled with moans and complaints as the kids kick their legs in annoyance.

"Why can't we go to Uncle JB's?" Lucas sulks making Junae do the same.

"You were with him yesterday" I protest. They always go to Uncle JB's house on Monday, Wednesday's and Sundays. They basically live with him, they even have some of their clothes at his house.

"Therefore we can be with him today aswell" Lucas speaks up with his arms crossed over his chest. I understand that Uncle gives Lucas confidence especially since he lives with girls.

"It doesn't work like that, Uncle is a very busy man" I retaliate but only for them both to roll their eyes at me.

"Correction is a busy ladies man" Junae butts in with a grin on her face.

"Don't argue with me you should be grateful that Johnny even offered" I tell them both. They look at each other then they both cross their arms in unison.

"Nobody asked him to" Junae murmurs making me sigh. I don't understand why the kids don't like spending time with Johnny, he's a great guy who loves kids and he's always offering to take care of them but they just don't like him for some odd reason.

"What is wrong with Johnny?" I finally ask them the question that has been on my mind for the past month.

"He's weird" Lucas says with a annoyed look painted on his face.

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