Chapter 27: Missing

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Jae POV:

There are many things that Junae does in order to prove her point. She cries, throws a tantrum, ignores people for weeks and even threatens to run away but she never actually goes through with it because she can't leave Lucas behind. She never wants to leave Lucas behind. But since they are both fighting and basically aren't getting along right now I wouldn't be completely surprised if she decided to run away. I'm disappointed that she has actually decided that it was ok for her to do this as if it wouldn't have an affect on the people around her. I know Junae can be stubborn and rude at times but she does care about the people around her and would never do anything to hurt them no matter how angry or upset she is, which is why I don't fully believe that she has run away.

"She has got to be at In Ha's house like where else would she go?" Lucas casually shrugs his shoulders not looking like he is the slightest bothered by the whole situation. He must by now be fed up with Junae's antics.

"Yeah you're right, there is no point of us stressing when she's clearly at her friends house" I respond as I make my way towards the sofa so I can sit down next to Lucas. I don't want to ask what the fight was about because I wasn't here therefore is not my responsibility. I'm just happy to be home so I can relax and not stress about my mum or about work.

"Shouldn't we just call In Ha to double check that Junae is there" Jungkook suggests making me sigh. That means an extra job for me plus I'll look like some foolish mother who doesn't know where her kid is but he is right, I should at least assure myself that Junae is in fact with In Ha right now.

"You're right" I sigh as I take my phone out from my back pocket making him smile. Congratulations to him, he's learning how to be a responsible parent. I go onto my contacts and I press In Ha's name, I only have her number because Junae uses my phone to call her. I let the phone ring until finally she picks up.


"Oh hi In Ha it's me Jaelyn"


"Erm Junae's mum"

"Oh yeah right sorry I only know you as Junae's mum... not trynna be rude but what do you want?"

"Oh well I know this is pointless but Jungkook just wants me to double check even though I am aware that Junae is with you, just tell her that next time she should ask for permission or even leave a -"

"Erm what are you talking about?"

"Junae... she's with you right?"

"No I'm not even in the country"

"Excuse me?"

"Listen I'm a busy person so I'm gonna hang up ok"

"Wait I-" she hangs up on me leaving me speechless. What does she mean by Junae isn't with her? Who else would she be with? She doesn't have that many friends basically she doesn't have anyone to go to so where the hell is she? Now I'm beginning to worry.

"What? What did she say?" Jungkook asks me but I'm still in shock trying to process what exactly is going on. Does this mean that she is missing? Does this mean that someone has taken my baby? I look over at Jungkook and he's looking at me with his eyes wide open waiting for me to respond but how am I supposed to tell him that he's daughter is missing. "Jae! Say something"

"She's erm she's she's not there" I mumble still trying to process everything. It's not like Junae to go to a random strangers house and she damn well knows not to speak to strangers but she spoke to Jungkook when he was a stranger and even went out with him.

"Ok so then that means she's probably at another one of her friends house right" Jungkook calmly responds as if he's in denial. I look down at Lucas waiting, hoping that he would say oh yes Junae does have other friends but instead he's sitting down chewing on the inside of his cheek.

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