Chapter 12: BBQ (part 1)

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Jae POV: 

It was a terrible idea to stay over at Jungkook's and I knew it was but still like a fool I decided to do it and now I regret it. It's been a week since I went to his house and still it has an effect on me, the words he said and the way he said it just cut me. As much as I hate to admit it he was right, why didn't I call Mika and ask if I could stay around his? Why didn't that thought slip through my mind? Maybe it's because I thought it was too soon for me to be staying at his house. I felt guilty though and frankly I still feel guilty, I'm supposed to be moving on but its kind of difficult to when Jungkook is around. I spent most of my time this week with Mika, I'm surprised that Jungkook allowed it since he's his boss, we got to get to know each other on a deeper level and I can't lie it was nice to get to know someone new. He was so sweet and he brought the kids a gift, nothing too expensive but it was sweet he's just such a nice guy plus Lucas likes him and that says a lot. Junae is still sulking and asking me when she can see Jungkook again and I'm just not used to seeing my little girl cling onto someone, maybe deep down she knows her and Jungkook share a bond. I promised him that he can spend time with her but spending time with her means spending time with Lucas, I'm just scared of what will happen.

"Sis you've been staring at that blank page for time now" Kimmy brings me back to reality. I look up and I realize that I'm at work and that I was just lost in my thoughts, nowadays I seem to be doing that quite a lot.

"Sorry, what were we talking about again?" I ask her slightly feeling bad because I zoned out half way in our conversation. She sighs then looks at me worriedly but she doesn't ask me what's wrong because she knows that I won't open up because I never open up.

"Mr. Fine ass who we don't like because he made you cry said that he's releasing a new game and he'd like for you to write an article on it" she tells me catching me off guard. I know she's talking about Jungkook but I'd think that he would call me and ask me since he has my number, why would he call my office?

"That's weird, why didn't he just ask me?" I ask her looking confused. Is he avoiding me? But why would he do that? I should be the one avoiding him especially after what he said to me that night. And now that I think about it he hasn't called me which is weird because normally he won't leave me alone.

"Maybe because he wanted to hear my sexy voice" Kimmy smirks then flips her hair making me roll my eyes at her. My office door opens revealing a smart clean-shaven Johnny with his hands in his pockets, he looks at me and smiles making me realize that I haven't seen him for a while. "Isn't my voice sexy Johnny?"

"Erm sure thing Kimmy" he quickly answers her question not sounding legit at all. He returns his attention to me and I just quickly give him a smile feeling bad for forgetting his existence. "Ah Jae I was just wondering if you've got a new babysitter"

"No, why?" I respond surprised to why he would think that I have a babysitter.

"I just haven't seen the kids in a long time and I kinda miss them" he flashes a smile whilst rubbing the back of his neck looking nervous. At this moment I begin to feel really bad because Johnny has been there for the kids since they were toddlers and they just don't seem to care about him.

"Oh yeah sorry about that Johnny its just that-"

"Jae's getting dicked down by some fine ass chocolate man who is also taking care of her babies" Kimmy cuts me off forcing me to slap her arm causing her to wince in pain and rub her arm. I can't believe she said that and by the look on Johnny's face I can tell he wasn't expecting that as an answer either.

"Oh erm ok" is all he could manage to say whilst staring at the ground. I feel so bad, he probably thinks that we've replaced him and forgotten all about him even though that's lowkey true he doesn't need to know that.

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