Chapter 19: Revelations

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Jae POV:

"My dad" Junae squeaks looking up at me with her eyebrows furrowed. My heart drops and I can feel my insides begin to churn, I think I'm going to be sick. I look up over at Jungkook thinking maybe that he's behind all of this but when he shakes his head telling me that it wasn't him I feel my legs give up as if I'm going to faint. How can this be happening? What exactly is happening? Am I being stalked again or is my baby girl being stalked?

"Jae are you ok? You're sweating quite a bit" Kimmy asks me but I can't seem to focus everything is just one big blur. The thought of having another stalker sends chills down my back reminding me of Kai, I look down and see Lucas looking up at me with a worried face on making me feel even more uncomfortable. I don't want Lucas to make me feel uncomfortable but right now as I'm looking down at him I see Kai's smirking face. "Someone get her some water before she faints" I hear Kimmy say.

"Mummy what's going on?" I hear Junae's soft voice pierce through my ears but I can't see her face everything is just a blur. My head begins to turn and I feel as if I'm going to be sick, am I just being paranoid? I feel a pair of hands cling around my waist before being lifted up, I feel the electrical sparks tingle up my spine and that second, I realize I'm in Jungkook's arms I mean who else makes me feel like electricity? "Jungkook is mummy going to be ok?"

"Yeah Junae don't worry I think mummy is just a bit tired that's all" I hear Jungkook explain before placing me down on the sofa. I don't want to ruin Junae's birthday if anything I wanted to make it special I need to suck it up and be brave, I can't let my babies see me like this. I need to protect my babies and by doing that I need to find out who is behind this not lie down on a sofa like a damsel in distress. I sit up and begin to rub my head making Jungkook rush to my side and sit by me before placing his hand over my shoulder.

"I'm fine honestly" I push him away from me the moment I feel Jacy's eyes glaring at me.

"Mummy did you hear what I said? Daddy wrote me a card and he never writes me cards for my birthday mummy are you listening? Daddy is coming back daddy is coming back" Junae comes and in front of me and repeats with a big smile on her face making me sigh. I never knew she would be this excited just from receiving a card from her father, I never knew she cared about him that much and it hurts it hurts that I know that card isn't actually from her dad.

"Ok Junae I think your mummy got the message" Uncle JB picks her up and starts to cradle her in his arms. She's wearing the leather jacket that he brought for her so they look like twins right now bringing me to smile a little at the sight of them.

"No, she didn't because she's not saying anything, mummy why won't you say anything?" Junae asks me looking down at me sitting on the sofa with me head down. Yes I heard her, I heard her a million times which is why I can't bring myself to say anything.

"Hey kids I just set up the chocolate fountain!" Bambam casually waltz into the room with a big smile on his face. He notices the low mood in the room and looks over at me with his eyebrows furrowed then notices Jungkook sitting by me making his face harden.

"There's a chocolate fountain?!" Izzer beams making the rest of the children cheer then get up from the floor and rush towards the kitchen. Everyone leaves the adults in the living except for Junae she still remains in Uncle JB's hands with a sour look on her face.

"Junae come on lets go to the-"

"No I don't wanna go I wanna know why my daddy left me a card and when did he come?" she cuts off Penelope making her frown. Uncle JB put her down and I see In Ha make her way towards Junae probably realizing that we don't want Junae in the room right now. "Did you know he was here?" she asks me with her eyebrows furrowed.

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