Chapter 9: Spare Key

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Jungkook POV:

"Lay your hands off my daughter!" I blurt out and instantly by the look on Junae's face, I regret those words coming outta my mouth.

"Your daughter?" Mika questions me with his eyes wide open as he grips onto Junae's hand making me even more pissed off but I don't want to cause any more trouble than I already have by kicking him in the face.

"Yes, my daughter" I proudly remark and the moment those words leave my mouth Junae slaps her forehead then removes Mika's hand from hers and steps forward. The little Asian boy just glares at me with his arms folded and for the first time ever I felt slightly intimidated. What's his problem?

"Sorry Mika I should have mentioned this to you earlier but I asked Jungkook to be my pretend dad but I didn't think he'd show up so I asked you and now the situation is awkward" Junae explains to Mika as she points over at me. My heart slightly breaks when she says that I'm her pretend dad because I'm not so why won't I tell her?

"Pretend dad huh?" Mika asks looking as if he doesn't buy the story and by the look on the little Asian boy's face he too looks like he doesn't buy it.

"It's Ok Jungkook I have Mika, you can go now" Junae says to me with a half-smile on her face, I look down at her with pleading eyes begging her to not let me go but she just mouths sorry to me and the worst part is I know she doesn't mean it.

"What are you doing here?" I hear the voice that I have been dreading to hear, I dunno whether I should be happy that she can recognize me from behind or be worried about what she's going to do next. I look down at Junae and she quickly clutches onto my leg and hides her tiny face from her mother. "Don't touch my daughter-"

"Ay she's touching me" I cut her off and raise my hands up in the air to show that I'm not touching Junae. I look at Jae and she's wearing a simple white dress and her hair and simply tied up revealing her natural beauty making me smile. I don't know how long I zoned out for but the next thing I know is Junae is no longer clutching onto my leg but is standing by Jae.

"I told you, begged you, pleaded with you to stay away from us but why? Why are you still here?" She cries and every tear that drops from her eyes breaks my heart one by one, I'm so tempted to rush over to her and wipe them away but I don't want to give her false hope that I have changed because I don't think I have.

"Its ok mummy please don't cry, Jungkook is only trying to make you happy. He said he wants to see you happy" Junae tries to comfort her mother then the little Asian boy joins and begins to hug Jae's leg leaving me slightly confused. No offense but who is this kid?

"So which one is her dad?"

"Why is her mum crying?"

"Don't play with that girl"

I look around the room and I see that everyone's eyes are on us and not in a good way but in the way that I feel as if I am an outcast. I look down at Junae and she looks like she's about to cry and its all my fault. Why did I have to over react and threaten Mika? Why didn't I just stay away when I saw she already had campion? I know why, its because I'm selfish, I only think about myself and never look at how my actions affect others.

"Now I don't exactly know what is going on here but as Junae's teacher I am truly concerned about this situation therefore may you all follow me to my office" A tall skinny white lady wearing a white blouse and black bootcut trousers instructs us with a sour look on her face. Jae picks up Junae and holds hands with the Asian boy before beginning to follow the teacher to her office. As soon as we get to the office door Jae places Junae and the boy in seats outside the office then enters with me and Mika.

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