Chapter 51: Birth

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Jae POV:

Last time I was in labour I was giving birth to Junae and that was a long time ago. I don't really remember how and what happened all I remember was being confused to how I was going to raise a child when I was a child myself. But I felt safe at the time because I had Jungkook well I thought I had Jungkook.  Even though it's been a while since I have given birth I don't remember it being this painful and long. I thought it was supposed to get easier after your first child but I guess it's the opposite for me. My insides feel like they are being crushed, my back feels like it's been blown out, I can't move with wanting to scream in pain. I just feel so angry, I want to punch somebody make someone else feel my pain because this is too much.

"Ok Jae just breathe for me" I hear Jungkook instruct as he rubs my lower back and starts breathing in and out thinking that I'll copy him but I'm not in the bloody mood to be told what to do and how to do it. I just feel like pulling this baby out of me myself right here and right now.

"I am breathing you idiot" I snare as i glare at him with a sharp eye. I know he's trying to help but I don't want it, every time he opens his mouth I just feel like punching him everywhere. He's never looked so punchable before and it's really playing with my mind.

"Ok I know you in pain but the kids are around" he tells me and I just roll my eyes at him before kissing my teeth. I don't care if the kids are around what are they going to do? Can they take away my pain? No I didn't fucking think so so he better shut up and do something that is actually useful instead of telling me what to fucking do.

"Good, Junie honey you see this pain yeah don't have children" I look over at my little girl as I wipe off the sweat from my forehead. She looks up at me startled and worried and I feel sorry for scary her but my little girl has to know what exactly she's gonna get herself into and hopefully this will keep her away from boys for a while.

"Daddy?" She looks up at Jungkook for an explanation with her big brown eyes and a mouth in a pout. Jungkook better not fuck this up.

"Yeah honey your mama is right no babies for you like ever" he states making me smile for a split second just a second because the baby kicks me hard and I get back to screaming in pain. What kind of baby is this? Feels like I'm carrying Thor's baby with the way it's kicking me like it's hitting me with Thor's hammer.

"Can someone get this fetus out of me!" I shriek grabbing onto my belly as the contractions get closer and closer together and the kicking becomes more vigorous. This is going to be some aggressive ass baby, it's probably not gonna be a footballer or a boxer anything that involves kicking to be frank. If it doesn't then I'll be disappointed and this was a wasted pregnancy.

"Can't you wait a little longer like I dunno two days you know since the wedding is tomorrow" Jungkook suggest and looks down at me with pleading eyes. Is he seriously worried about a stupid wedding when I have a human being inside of me threatening to come out and eat too early must I say. This baby was due to come out in 3 weeks time so me and Jungkook could get married but this baby got s mind do its own.

"Fuck the wedding and fuck you!" I shout as I grab him by the collar then throw him aside before falling onto the sofa. I can't do this anymore I just want it out of me.

"Ok let's get you to the hospital" Jungkook finally says something that I agree with and picks up my delivery bag from my bedroom floor before rushing back into the living room and placing his hand around my waist for support. "Lucas you're in charge call Uncle to come pick you up ok?" Jungkook instructs as he drags my lifeless body out of the house and towards the car.

"I already did" Lucas answers with his arms folded across his chest.

"Ok guys I'm taking your mum-"

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