Chapter 17: Bday Prep

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Jae POV: 

Its Junae’s birthday in a couple of days and I’ve never been so stressed in my life, this year is going to be different because Jungkook is here and Bambam isn’t going to be pleased plus Mika is now also in the picture and must I mention Lucas’ odd behavior towards me and everything. I want everything to go smoothly but I feel as if some shit is going to go down I dunno maybe its just me being paranoid. I tried to speak to Lucas but he isn’t having any of it, whenever I bring up his outburst from the other day where he basically called me a liar he changes the subject to Junae’s birthday and acts as if nothing happened. I don’t want to keep secrets from them I really don’t but they are too young to understand all these things and I guess I'm just scared of what their reaction maybe. But anyways lets focus on Junae’s birthday, she wants to have a party but not with her school mates because she says they are not on her level. She wants her cousins from Jackson to come and apparently Jungkook promised her a chocolate fountain. 

Surprisingly, me and Jungkook have not argued for the past few days we’ve just been focused on planning this little party together. He’s been very understanding and has actually been giving some good suggestions, I also went out cake shopping with him and Mika and guess what? Nobody died, we all actually got along but everything just seems too good to be true. 

Don’t Answer😑: Can I have Junae today? Needa know what she wants for her present 

Me: Yeah good idea so me and Lucas can go and buy her a gift too 

Don’t Answer😑: OOooo what you getting her???? 

Me: You’ll have to wait and see 

Don’t Answer😑: Well we both know my gift is gonna be better so there’s no point you spending 😎😎

Don’t Answer😑: Your gift will look poor compared to mine😊

Me: don’t insult my gift its gonna be fucking amazing remember I'm the one who knows Junae more 

Me: Just saying *flips her weave* 😏

Don’t Answer😑: number 1 you aint even got any inches on so what you flipping? Air? 

Don’t Answer😑: and number 2 last time I checked you’re the strict mum I'm the cool best friend 

Me: no Jungkook you’re the dad... we need to tell her 

Don’t answer😑: Yeah I know but just give me time 

Me: fine... 

Me: pick her up at 4pm because she’s got a reading club today 

Don’t Answer😑: Junae reads? Really? 

Me: I know I was surprised too but that’s what she told me so 

Don’t Answer😑: and you believed her? Yeah you missing some brain cells

“Why you answering his texts if you saved him as don’t answer?” Kimmy asks me making me jump in my chair because I didn’t even notice her come into the staff room. She looks at me with her arms folded across her chest and with one eyebrow cocked up making me sit up in my seat and put my phone down. “Is it that Jungkook guy? Of course, it is” she rolls her eyes then sighs. 

“It’s all ok now he’s not trying to hurt me and he’s actually being helpful” I smile at her trying to reassure her but she doesn’t seem too pleased with my answer. I know she’s only looking out for me but right now I'm positive that me and Jungkook are better off as friends and nothing more. “You wanna come shopping with me and Lukie?” I ask her trying to change the subject. She relaxes her muscles then smiles at me. 

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