Chapter 18: Birthday

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A/N: Stan IKON

Jungkook POV:

"I'm your sister" she says with tears in her eyes making me feel bad, I probably shouldn't have responded in that way but what was I supposed to do? I simply don't care who she is, sister or not I've never cared for her. The only thing we have in common is that we shared the same filthy womb but that's it, I can't force a relationship with someone who I don't care for. I look at Junae and she is looking up at me waiting for my response but I just want to walk away.

"In Ha can we talk in private?" I ask her and she sniffs before nodding her head. I pass Junae over to Taehyung who leads her towards the car but she turns around and gives me a sad look, I guess I have a lot of explaining to do to her as well. I look at In Ha and she's sitting on the bench wiping her eyes, she still cries wow I guess she hasn't changed at all then.

"Where have you been? I was worried sick, well I actually hated you for a while because mum said you left us but now I know that's not true right because my big brother would never leave me right?" she rambles on and on with a smile on her face making me feel even more guilty because I know the truth. She looks up at me with her eyes wide open and filled with hope and love but my answer is going to break her heart.

"No In Ha I did leave you because I didn't care for you, not as a brother nor as a human I'm sorry but mum never taught me love nor affection and I just had to leave as soon as I turned 18 and I advise you to do the same" I tell her and by the sad look on her face I can tell that she was disappointed but I didn't want to lie to her and give her false hope as if I am now going to be part of her life, I just don't see the point she grew up without me and seems fine. I don't hate her or anything I just don't like who she came from that's all selfish of me I know, it's not her fault I know, but it is her fault that I took the beatings she caused. "Let's just move on and live like we have been living nothing has to change ok?" I suggest as I place my hand on her shoulder.

"Are you not going to ask anything about me?" she asks me as she looks up at me with her eyebrows furrowed making me sigh.

"You and Junae are friends right?" I ask her and she nods her head in response. "I think that's cool and I would appreciate it if you don't mention this ever again" I say to her making her look down at her fingers then sighing. After a while she looks up at me but with a smile on her face looking as if she has not been phased by any of this and that's good I don't want her to be phased.

"No yeah that's cool, I'll see you at Junae's party then" she gets up from the bench then walks away from me with her head down. Well that was easier than I expected, I guess it was nice to see her all grown up, she got taller of course and her hair darkened but that's about it. I hope she doesn't tell mum that I'm back in town. I get up from the bench and make my way back to the car where I find Taehyung and Junae practicing a new handshake.

"You guys ready now?" I ask them making them jump in their seats and turn to face me. I get into the car and prepare to drive but I notice Junae uncontrollably biting her lips. I can tell that she wants to ask me about In Ha but she doesn't know whether it would be appropriate. I don't want my baby girl losing her top lip like me. "In Ha is my little sister but we have different dads is that what you want to know?" I ask her and she shakes her head at me.

"I wanted to know why you abandoned her?" she asks me whilst fiddling with her fingers. I sigh and begin to think of a nice way of answering her question but there isn't. I had always planned on leaving that house it just happened sooner, I don't care how many siblings I had I would've have always left all of them.

"Its just what I do"

Birthday Day 

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