Chapter 24: Old links

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Jae POV:

"Mum?" I question as I look at the woman standing by the door wearing a black dress with her makeup smudge all over her face looking as if she has been crying. I stare at her surprised that she is actually here and lowkey hoping that I am imagining all of this, there is no way that my 'mum' is here at my doorstep. Can I even call her my mum since she kidnapped me and then basically gave up on me since I got pregnant? How did she know where I live anyways?

"Jae honey I'm in some trouble" she says as she sniffs and wipes away her tears. I have never seen her so vulnerable and broken before, she was always this strong woman who worked hard to pay for the bills and to raise her children. She had no weaknesses and to see her like this is just so weird for me. "I know that I am the last person you want to help but-"

"Damn straight you are" I cut her off and put my hand firmly on my hips trying to show her that I am the one with the power right now. How dare she come to my house and ask for my help after not calling, texting, visiting me for 7 years, she didn't even check up on me. I could be homeless and she wouldn't even know. "You have no right coming here" I tell her making her look down at her feet.

"But I have nowhere else to go, I know I have wronged you but-"

"Mum you didn't call me you just let me go and to be honest I forgot I even had a mother and now you expect me to help you when you didn't even help me? How does that make any sense?" I interrupt her and scoff thinking about how she looked down on me for getting pregnant and basically abandoned me and now she has the balls to ask for my help when she wasn't there for me. Does she think I'm stupid enough to let her walk back into my life?

"I'm sorry ok I just thought that you were better off without me and Bambam was telling me how you got this fancy big house and have a good job and I just knew that you didn't need me" she explains with a pleading look on her face looking desperate. I don't care how desperate she is she is still in the wrong for thinking that I was fine without my mother. No matter how corrupted she was it would have been nice to know that I had someone who cared.

"So that's your lame excuse to why you didn't even check up on me?" I ask her making her sigh.

"Would you have answered if I called?" she retaliates making me pause for a second to think, yes I wouldn't of answered if anything I would've blocked her number but its just the acknowledgement that she was trying that puts your mind at ease but she, she wasn't even trying.

"Good point but still it's the thought that counts" I answer her as I lean on my door and look down at her still in shock that she is here begging for my help. I don't want anything to do with her and I don't want Junae knowing she is here so why have I not shut the door in her face?

"I know I'm the last person you wanna help but please honey I really need you right now" she begs as the tears stream down her face making me feel slightly bad. I don't want to see her suffer because at the end of the day she did save my life and she did raise me up in her own corrupted way, she is still my mother.

"What about Bambam? Don't you normally run to him for help?" I ask her hoping that she can take her drama to his doorstep instead of mine. My family has already been through enough and I don't want any more drama I just want it to be about me, the kids, Jungkook and Mika with no problems.

"Jae I have no one right now, Bambam won't answer my calls and when I drove up to his house it was empty-"

"Wait why are you going to Bambam's house for? Mum where's dad?" I question confused to why she was going to Bambam's house when she has a house of her own. And I haven't heard her mention dad once since she got here, why isn't she asking him for help I mean they are supposed to be a married couple right?

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