Chapter 35: Stressing

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Jae POV:

I don't feel safe knowing that Kai's biological brother is teaching my son who also happens to be his blood nephew but he can't know that because then he'll have to know that I'm the reason that his brother has been missing all these years. We've come this far and I don't think that it's fair for us and for uncle to give up on the last hurdle. I don't want to run because this is our home, the kids grew up here they love it here, it's close to all of their cousins since they're all spread out due to Jackson's custody issues. I really hope that we can manage with him being the teacher because Lucas is gonna change year groups this year anyways so he won't have him as his teacher no more.

"Mum I swear I wanna move school" Lucas marches into the living room and throws his school bag onto the sofa catching me off guard. I look up at Jungkook confused and he just shrugs his shoulders in response. Jungkook picked up the kids today since he had free time.

"What? Lukie why?" I ask him filled with concern. I get up from my seat and approach my distressed son who is standing up with his arms firmly crossed over his chest. I've never seen him so bothered before in my life, he's the easy going type of guy and he doesn't care about what people do or say.

"He doesn't like his teacher" Junae speaks up and explains making me nod my head in agreement. I already knew this so why is he still triggered?

"Yeah I know but Lucas you can't just run away from your problems" I tell him straight making him sulk even more and throw his arms in the air. I've never seen him so upset before, what could of possibly happened?

"Why not? You and Jungkook do it" he blurts out catching me off guard. I look over at Jungkook and he looks over at me looking embarrassed. I pause for a moment and reflect on how I should respond to this because there is no way I can come out of this. My bad life choices and Jungkooks are growing on my kids and I don't want that, what can I do to change that?

"Lucas!" Junae sternly says shocking us all because she normally agrees with Lucas and cusses us out too.

"I'm sorry mum but I just hate the guy, he doesn't let me be me and just asks me so many bloody questions and you know me I don't like talking so-"

"Wait, what sort of questions?" I cut him off and ask. If he is Kai's brother then it can't be a coincidence that he is here teaching Lucas right? And if he is asking him questions then does that mean that he knows or is he just being a concerned teacher? Either way I still feel on edge and unsafe.

"Apparently it's normal but I think he's obsessed with me just because I remind him of his brother" he answers making me heart drop. I look over at Jungkook and he is legit on the edge of his seat. We are not safe sending Lucas to that school, I know I said we can't run away but we have no choice. This effect us all especially Uncle JB.

"Did he tell you?" I ask him and he just shrugs his shoulders in response.

"No but it's pretty obvious, he looks at me like I'm broken" he sighs breaking my heart and making me so fucking angry. How dare he come out of nowhere and make my son feel thing he's never felt before? I swear I want give this teacher a piece of my mind.

"Oh honey you ain't broken, I love you the way you are and if you don't wanna go to that school anymore then so be it" I pull Lucas into a hug and kiss his forehead. I don't want him to know about his birth parents now because they were the most broken people I have met and if he finds that out then he'll think he's broken too and I can't have that.

"Wait really?" He pulls away from my hug and looks up at me with a confused look on his face.

"Seriously?" Junae speaks up and looks up at me with her arms crossed looking as confused as Lucas.

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