Chapter 41: Mum

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Lucas POV:

I stare at this despicable woman and I sigh to myself hoping, praying to the Heavens that this is all just one big mistake and that this idiot who can't even recognise her own son is not my mother. I'm lowkey hoping that KJ has messed up family and that Grandma kidnapped hI'm just like she did with mum because I refuse to believe this woman carried me. I'm pretty sure that my mum is dead aswell so she probably kidnapped the wrong kids and this is just a big mistake. I never asked mum about my biological parents because I simply didn't want to know anything about them but from what I have heard, I was abandoned in a box by my DEAD mother and I know nothing of my father because I don't care.

"What kind of mother loses her son?" KJ asks her with a look of judgement on his face. I glare at him trying to remind him of the rules we made when we were in the van making him slouch a bit. But he is right, what kind of mother loses her son then kidnaps 2?

"It's not that simple boy number 2, I had to make sacrifices for the greater good" she answers as she sits herself down and kicks her legs up looking down at KJ. She begins to intensely stare at us both making me feel extremely uncomfortable.

"Right so you're deluded and we want to go home to our actual parents who are probably worried sick looking for us" I tell her straight as I get up from my seat and grab KJ by the arm but two men come in front of us blocking the entrance making me sigh.

"Yes but one of you is living a lie because I am your birth mother" she tells us as she points over at both of us making me sigh. I'm starting to believe that this woman is my mother and it's literally crushing my soul the longer I stay in this room with her.

"Which one woman?! One of us is literally darker than the other!" KJ blurts out catching us all off guard. I knew KJ had a mouth on him but I didn't know this boy had a temper as well.

"I know which makes this situation even more difficult" she answers making me slap my forehead. Can she not tell that one of us is literally half black? "My husband had dark complexion and would tan easily in the sun which is why I feel like it's boy number 2" she points over at KJ who literally rolls his eyes at her making me scoff, KJ doesn't even look like he has a tan it looks like he's half black. A dumb woman gave birth to me, great.

"I'm not your son" KJ shakes his head with his arms firmly folded across his chest.

"And you kind of look like a mixture of both of us but I'm not too sure" she points over at me and I just lean my head in my hand just feel like giving up with life.  "Oh I know, which one of you has a black mum?" She asks as he excitedly claps her hands and stares at both of us with her eyes all lit up.

"Both of us!" Me and KJ both shout in unison frustrated at this whole situation. I could be home, in my nice bed listening to the Migos album but no I'm being held hostage by my delusional mother.

"And you both have dads?" She questions making me roll my head backwards tired of all of these questions.

"Yes!" We both answer. Now I know that I don't technically have a dad but I don't want her knowing that I am Lucas.

"I might just have to keep you both at this rate" she sighs with a frown on her face. KJ darts his eyes over at me looking like he's about to go into panic mode and I feel bad because he's in this situation because of me, I'm his big cousin, nephew or whatever so I'm supposed to take care of him.

"Lady you seem crazy and I have a lot of crazy in my family so I'm not about to hop into another crazy family I mean if you were rich and all yeah maybe I'd consider coming with you but nah you just crazy" KJ begins to waffle leaving me and this woman who still hasn't told us her name confused. I just don't want to refer to her as mother because it just seems wrong.

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