Chapter 23: Trying

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Lucas POV:

Its been two hours since mum left and I'm beginning to feel slightly worried because its not like her to just get up and leave but at least I have a feeling that she is with Jungkook, I really hope that she is actually with Jungkook that way I know she is safe because he'd do anything to protect her. I still hate the guy though. Its been an hour since Mika got here since mum texted him to come and look after us whilst she's out, Junae hasn't come downstairs since we had our talk and I'm glad because she is really acting up nowadays. Mika knows that I don't talk much so he doesn't really bother asking me about school and or anything so I just put in my earphones and pretend to be listening to music as he scrolls through his phone. I watch him scroll through his gallery and I see numerous photos of him and mum smiling and making funny faces, I look up at him and he has a genuine smile on his face. He really does care for her and he is a really good guy but too bad he fell in love with my mum because I know how this story ends and trust me he is not involved in the ending so should I tell him or keep my mouth shut?

"You should leave and never come back" I turn to face him and say causing him to look up from his phone and look down at me with a confused facial expression making me sigh. Why did I open my mouth? I always do the thing that I want to do the least and now I gotta explain to him that my mama don't love in a way that won't break his heart.

"Erm your mum sent me to look after you-"

"I'm not talking about that I'm saying in general you should leave my mum" I rephrase it and I wait for his reaction, he's face doesn't change much instead he shuffles towards me a bit more and looks down at me before sighing.

"What why? Lucas I thought we were good man" he says with a worried facial expression making me feel bad because I don't want him to feel as if I have been pretending to like him this whole time because I haven't. Mika is a really good guy who has patience and hard working the kind of man that you'd want your mum to be with but its not who she wants though.

"We are which is why I'm telling you to go before your heart gets broken you know save you and me from the drama" I nicely tell him with a smile on my face hoping that he sees that I am just looking out for him and myself because I'm tired of all the drama therefore I'm just trying to make short cuts.

"Lucas I'm pretty sure me and your mum are good" he beams as he ruffles my hair and smiles down at me with confidence oozing out of him making me sigh. If he only knew the truth, if he only sees the way my mum looks at Jungkook and vice versa.

"For now" I sigh.

"Is there something you aint telling me?" he asks me making me shrug my shoulders thinking of the nicest way possible to let him know that she doesn't love him the same way he loves her. Its really sad to watch you know.

"She don't love you, she's bored hasn't had any action for 7 years, you aint got no chance she'll either cheat or make up some excuse for you to leave her so just go man" I bluntly say and he just looks down at me with shock written all over his face. He leans back and scratches the back of his head before sighing and looking back down at me.

"I don't give up that easily little man" he states with a solid smile on his face, why is he overcomplicating this? He should just leave and stop trying to play the hero because he aint gonna win. I'm genuinely trying to help him,

"But with Jungkook around-"

"Its alright little man Jungkook is with Jacy" he cuts me off and says making me realise that he is actually so dumb for believing that Jungkook and Jacy will last because they won't, just like him and mum Jungkook and Jacy is a one-sided love.

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