Chapter 28: Looking down

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Jungkook POV:

Last thing I wanted when coming back to London was to have any fucking encounter with my mother. I haven't seen that woman since I told her Jae was pregnant and that was almost 8 years ago when she told me that I should leave Jae so I could work at her company. My plan ever since I was 10 was to leave my mother once I turned 18 and to never be controlled by her again but look even after all these years she still has something over me, always finding a way to ruin my life. How could she kidnap my daughter, my daughter then blackmail my woman? What kind of mother does this kinda shit?

"Jungkook I know how much you hate your mother but she's got our baby girl" Jae looks up at me with worry in her eyes. I can tell that she's desperate and would do anything to get Junae back here home safe. And so would I even if it means giving my mother the satisfaction of getting to see me again.

"I know Jae, I know and I'm not gonna let her keep her any longer" I tell her with confidence as I pull her into a warm hug trying to engrave this moment in my mind because this is the longest time we've been in contact. I missed her warm hugs, the way she smelt of a mixture between vanilla and coco butter and the way her small frame fitted so nicely in my arms. I look over at Lucas and he's standing there shaking his head making me pull out of the hug.

"Don't let me ruin the moment please continue it's not like my sister has been kidnapped by her lunatic of a grandma"

"Oh shit Lucas you can't come with us, what if Jungkook's mother uses that against us" Jae says as she looks up at me with worry in her eyes.

Jae POV:

"We can't call the police for help, we can't tell people who are family that I'm your son... at this point I'm beginning to think that I'm illegal" he sighs as he throws his arms in the air and sits back down on the sofa with a frown on his face. I freeze on the spot not knowing how to respond simply because he told me not to tell him how I 'adopted' him. To my surprise Jungkook sits by him and whispers something in his ear making Lucas smile again. I dunno how these two got close making me sightly jealous.

"Ok honey we'll be back soon, call Uncle JB and tell him everything is alright. You know the rules honey don't open the door-"

"Yes yes I know mum just go already" he cuts me off and rolls his eyes at me as he basically pushes me out of the door. I head towards my car with Jungkook trailing behind me, wait until I lay my hands on that woman I am going to kill her and I don't fucking care if she's the grandmama of my daughter because this shit just can't run.

"Jae I am so sorry that my mother would do something like this, you know that I would never wanna see Junae hurt" Jungkook tells me with his eyebrows furrowed looking guilty. He didn't have to tell me that because I already know, I know how much he loves Junae and Lucas, I know how much he cares and it's still difficult for me to process because I didn't expect him to be this good of a parent almost better if not better than me.

"Let's go and get our daughter" I say as I start to drive towards Jungkook's childhood home which of course got extended even though only two people live in that house. I park the car in the driveway before jumping outta the car and marching towards the front door. Before I can even knock on the front door it swings open revealing Jungkook's salty bitch looking ass of a mother with my daughter clinging onto her.

"Where's my son?" She asks me as soon as notices that she opened the door for me making me roll my eyes at her. "I was only expecting him" she frowns as she eyes me up and down with a disgusted look on her face.

"I'm right here" Jungkook shows his face and sighs making the bitchy mother of his smile from eye to eye. I look at Junae and I can't help but feel utterly disgusted by the way she's casually clinging onto that woman as she buries her head on her neck.

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