Chapter 36: Date night

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Jae POV:

I'm surprised that our company have actually decided to take money out of our funds to hire a psychiatrist because our company ain't really the caring type. When it was announced that Jae Yoon died all they did was announce that she's dead then told us to get back to work, no memorial was done. I felt so bad for her, we probably needed a psychiatrist then not now. Ok maybe I need a psychiatrist at this moment in time with everything that is happening in my life right. I'm surprised that all this time I haven't been to a psychiatrist with the kind of shit I have tolerated my whole life, maybe this is a sign sent from God showing me that I do need mental medical attention.

"Ms. Carter right?" I hear an unfamiliar voice say forcing me to look up from my desk. At the door stood the man from before, the psychiatrist clinging onto a clipboard and with a pen in his mouth. He smiles at me before entering my office making me stand up so I can be prepared to greet him.

"Yes please sit you don't have to stand it's awkward" I tell him and he automatically sits down in a seat by my desk making me sit back down as well. I place my files aside so I can give him my undivided attention, Kimmy was right he is cute.

"Not here to bother you I'm just going around office to office personally introducing myself" he beams showing me his perfect white teeth. I smile back at him loving how cute he is, there are hardly any cute men nowadays just manly men. I get a message on my phone causing me to look at the time, shit it's almost 7 I have to collect the kids.

"That's nice of you, I'm just finishing my shift so-"

"Oh no I'm not going to take your time I just need a foundation that's all" he explains as he takes off the lid on his pen and begins to write stuff down in a rush on his clipboard. As much as I want to spend time with him I'm not in the opening up mood.

"Listen my life is a bit extreme not going to lie, I don't think you'll be able to help me psychologically" I tell him as I begin to pack up my things into my briefcase. I feel kind of bad because I made him sit down and get comfortable in my office but now I'm sort of kicking him out.

"Well I like a bit of a challenge" he smirks making me pause and stare at him in shock. Is he, is he flirting with me? Yeah no thank you I've had enough with boys for now and I still have to sort things out with Jungkook.

"Jae you ready for girls night oh sorry didn't know you had company" Kimmy storms into my office preoccupied on her phone before noticing that someone else was in the room. She puts her phone away before eyeing the poor man up and down with a look of seduction on her face.

"No erm I was just getting ready wait Kimmy you said tomorrow-"

"I changed my mind, I'm busy tomorrow" she cuts me off and returns her attention to me making me sigh. Why did I agree to have a girls day with her? I'm just not in the mood. "Sorry Mr. Sexy but I'll have to steal my girlfriend from you" Kimmy says moving closer and closer to Jin swaying her hips making him go red.

"No it's fine two beautiful woman such as yourselves deserve a break" he manages to say avoiding all eye contact with her. Yep he's falling for her spell and she knows it making her smile.

"I can't wait to have our little session, I have a lot of steam" she flirtatiously beams as she licks the corner of her lips making me try my best to contain my laughter.

"Kimmy who's gonna take care of the kids?" I blurt our remembering that I have kids and the last thing I want is to stress Uncle JB when he already has a lot on his plate because of my mum.

"You have kids? Wow I wouldn't of expected that" Jin speaks up looking over at me. People are always surprised that I have two kids because I'm so young, apparently I don't look like someone who'd be a teen mum, I'm sorry didn't know a teen mum had a look.

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