Chapter 8: 2 Dads

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Jae POV:

My eyes open wide as soon as I see the little girl standing in front of me, she was the spitting image of Jungkook's sister only taller and much mature. I must be hallucinating, thats the only explanation I have because there is no way that Jungkook's sister is at my door. The world would be too cruel if she was. She too gives me glances from time to time with a puzzled look on her face.

"In Ha!" Junae jumps from behind me and engulfs the older girl who just smiles at Junae's cute actions. In Ha? That can't be no coincidence, she looks like Jungkook's sister and she even has her name. The universe truly hates me.

"I got bored and I remembered you gave me your address so here I am" she shrugs her shoulders. So this is the famous In Ha that Ju won't shut up about. Junae never gets attached to people unless its Lukie so to see that she trusted In Ha with her address says a lot. It says In Ha is here to stay.

"In Ha this is my mama, mama this is In Ha"

"Do I know you from somewhere?" In Ha asks me with a confused look on her face. She begins to analyse my face whilst I try my best to look unrecognizable. What if she blurts out that I'm Jungkook's ex girlfriend? I don't even know if she knows that Junae is Jungkook's daughter because Jungkook wasn't very close to her. "Ah you work at that magazine company that wrote a shit review about my mum's company." She finally speaks up breaking the silence. I just stare at her surprised.

"Oh I'm sorry-"

"Nah don't be, next time mention how she's a shit mum too" she grins then looks down at Junae who is still gripping around her waist. Lucas walks towards us to see what the whole situation was about and rolls his eyes as soon as he sees In Ha.

"Great more girls!" He sarcastically remarks and rolls his eyes then walks back into the house. I nervously walk in with a giddy Junae and In Ha trailing behind me.

"Jae I have to go, boss is being a dickhead but I'll call you... don't worry I won't leave you" Mika looks deeply into my eyes and rubs my shoulder before heading out of the house. I can tell that he senses that I'm not comfortable around men and that I simply don't trust them. I like Mika, its been a while since I've been attracted to someone but I don't want him to be caught up in our drama.

"Mummy can In Ha sleep over?" Junie comes rushing into me and asks attempting to open her little eyes wide trying to be cute. I smile at her happy to see her communicating with people without calling them names but sadly that someone had to be his sister.

"I dunno wouldn't her mummy mind-"

"My mum isn't even in town" she shrugs her shoulders acting as if she doesn't care but by the look in her eyes you can tell she's upset. I feel bad for her, she has no one, Jungkook left her, her mum is too busy for her and her dad had issues. She's had to fight for herself just like I did.

"Yeah ok I'll allow it" I smile and instantly Junie begins to jump up and down before dragging In Ha upstairs to her room. The next thing you hear is Lucas shouting "you have got to be kidding me" making me laugh to myself. I need to tell Uncle JB, he always knows what to do.

"Uncle? I have a problem"

"Really right now as in whilst-"

"Ok ok I'll hang up before I hear anything else"

"No its fine I can multitask"


"Jae meet Lola and Lola meet Jae"

"My name is Zoey" an annoyed feminine voice beams through the phone.

"Whatever....anyways what the problem Jae?"

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