Chapter 53: Remember Us

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10 years later

Jae POV:

If someone was to ask me where do you see yourself in 10 years I would've never been able to guess that I'd be where I am today. After everything that I have been through in my crazy dramatic life, I would've guessed the worst. I would've said I'd be a single mum of 4 thinking Jungkook would abandon me for the third time in my life, I would've said my kids hate me because they blame me for not having a father, I would've said I would be miserable, broken to the point of no repair. My point is after everything that  I was just prepared for the worst, I let my past mould my present which just meant more drama for me and I also let it influence me on what my future would be like. If only I just let my past go sooner then I would've been happier a long time ago but you know me stubborn as hell. I wish I trusted people more, I wish I spoke up and I wish that I wasn't so scared. But there's no point of me wishing on something that can't be changed, all I can do know is look forward with high hopes.

Being married to Jungkook is no different, the only thing now is that when someone tries to hit on me Jungkook steps in and tells them that's my wife. Surprisingly our love is still fresh it's as if we fell in love yesterday. We went on our honeymoon to Bali whilst the kids stayed behind with Uncle JB and auntie Kimmy. It was magical something that you can only see in the movies.

"Mum I'm moving out! And I'm moving in with In Ha!" Junae shouts as she storms down the stairs with a gym bag probably filled with her clothes leaving me confused. In Ha moved out 2 years ago since she got into university to study graphic design just like her big brother. We were so proud of her and Jungkook even got her an internship to his company.

"Wait what Junae what the hell?" I ask her trying to calm her down but there is no calming her down as she vigorously puts on her shoes and throws her bag over her shoulder. I rush over to her and grab the bag off her before beginning to rub her shoulders to soothe her. Maybe she's just on her period which is why she's acting up.

"I can't man I just can't live in the same house as her" she whines as she firmly points her finger in the direction of the top of the stairs making me look up and link eyes with my younger more aggressive daughter with her arms folded over her chest as she looks down at her older sister with pure disgust on her face.

"Shut up, you're overreacting" she spits as she storms down the stairs and glares up at her older sister. Julyn is surprisingly small considering that she was the bigger twin when she was born, even though she's small she's got her mum and her dad's temper combined so Jungkook thought it'd be a good idea to take her to Taekwondo.

"Girls stop fighting!" I step in between them before Julyn beats the shit out of Junae yes Julyn would beat her up. One high kick and Junae would be out.

"Then tell her to stop meddling with my life!" Junae yells as she pushes her younger sister back making Julyn angry and crawl under me allowing herself to be face to face with her sister giving her the opportunity to swing at her sister but I quickly intervene and pull her back throwing her onto the sofa.

"Julyn? Care to explain" I demand rather than ask with my hands firmly on my hips. Junae and Julyn have had their fiery disagreements but never had it driven one of them to want to move out. They both have a temper on them and to make matters worse they are two completely different people. With Junae being a tough yet girly girl who's into fashion and makeup and Julyn being a hot headed tomboy who cut her hair when she was 8.

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