Chapter 15: I'm Upset

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Jae POV: 

"Yes, it is he is my brother, I can't leave my brother behind" Junae says with a frown on her face as she looks up at Jungkook but all he can do is look down at her surprised because of what she just said. He looks up and makes eye contact with me as if waiting for some sort of explanation but I don't have one yet so I keep quiet and just give him fake smiles. Why did Junae have to open her mouth? I'm not ready to tell Jungkook about Lucas because I'm afraid of what he'll do or say. "So mummy can Lucas come?" Junae speaks up and asks me one more time.

"Junae I said you and Jungkook, Lucas doesn't even like Jungkook-"

"I'll go" Lucas walks into the room and casually says catching me off guard. He stands by the door and glares at Jungkook before returning his attention to Junae who looks as confused as I am. Why would Lucas want to hang out with Jungkook? He hates people and I'm pretty sure Jungkook is a person.

"Lucas honey that won't be necessary plus Uncle JB wants to spend more time with you" I speak up with a bright smile on my face as I could feel Jungkook's eye's burning me because he too doesn't want to hang out with Lucas.

"Ok" is all he says as he shrugs his shoulders. I'm not sure whether he is listening to what I am saying because he has earphones in his ears and his hands are in his pockets. He turns around prepared to walk outside again but Junae runs up to him and hugs him from behind making Jungkook clench his jaw.

"Lukie you gonna come then?" she asks him. He removes her hands from around his waist then turns around and gives her a little smile. Of course, Junae sulks as usual but she doesn't take it to heart because she knows that Lucas hates contact.

"No Junie I never wanted to go anways, just wanted to hear their excuse" he responds then darts his eyes at me with a sour look on his face before leaving the room. What did he mean by that? Lucas is a smart kid and I worry about him a lot because he doesn't open up the same way Junie does sometimes I worry that he knows more than he should.

"Wait for me!" Junae shouts as she runs after Lucas, he doesn't stop and wait for her instead he slows down his pace making me smile. Their bond is the only thing that matters to me, if they stay together and help each other out like they always do then my life is complete. I turn around and meet eyes with Jungkook who has his arms folded and biting the inside of his cheek.

"So, brother?" he finally speaks up but I didn't want him to bring that up. I don't want to lie to him because I know from past experiences that lies never last especially if I lie to him because he'll know straight away that its a lie.

"Yeah they did grow up together so they really close just like you and me were-"

"Yeah but you and me never lived together for this long, like Jae where is this boy's parents?" he asks me and my heart drops because I know that Lucas is basically an orphan all because of my stupid mistakes, he has no one because of me so I'll give him people to cherish and to cherish him, but the problem is he don't like people.

"I told you his mum is a good friend of mine who's gone on a business trip" I tell him the same lie again hoping that he'll drop the subject after this.

"And the dad?" he asks me forcing me to quickly look away from him because he'll know by just looking in my eyes that the father meant something to me and he did, Kai ruined my life and I blindingly let him do it.

"He died years ago" I answer his question making him go all quiet and give me an apologetic look. At least I didn't lie this time, I told the truth and because of that I could look him in the eyes and say it.

"How much longer is he staying?" he asks me another question about the Lucas situation and to be honest with you its beginning to piss me off. I am the one who has brought up Lucas and I'm the one who decided to bring him into my home which he abandoned so who is he to ask me all these questions?

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