Chapter 14: Same Page

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Jungkook POV: 

"I'll tell Junae that you're her dad" he threatens and my heart drops but I don't react to him I just keep my poker face on trying to look unbothered even though I'm really bothered. He stares at me waiting for me to respond but I don't know what to say, do I deny it? Or do I make an agreement with him? I don't want him to have this over me especially since I am his manager, I should so fire him. Anyways how did he find out? Did Jae tell him? She's known the man for a few seconds and now she's gone and told him our secrets, that's low. "You gonna say something or-"

"So you find pleasure in making little girls upset is that what you're telling me?" I cross my arms and ask him as I glare at his face. He scoffs at me and begins to chuckle as if I said something funny, this is no joke to me, this is my family and he trynna mess with it.

"Wow you're trynna make me the bad guy, you're the one who has forced me to threaten you like this. I don't want to say anything to Junae but because of how selfish you are I have no choice but to threaten you" he spits as he points at me and looks at me with pure disgust on his face. I don't say anything to him I just look at him, what makes him think that he's so superior to be dishing out threats like this? I hate this guy.

"No offense but this is none of your business just because you're Jae's little side piece doesn't mean you belong to this family so don't get too fucking confident" I respond trying my best to contain my anger because he is really beginning to get on my nerves. He notices that I have my hands in a tight fist then subtly backs away as if I wouldn't notice, I won't fight him, not when Jae is around.

"I just want Jae to be happy that's all and she can't be if you keep trying to pursue her, just let her go and focus on your daughter." He calmly says furrowing his eyebrows, wow he actually looks like he cares about her and even if he does he is not needed, he's just another man that I have to get rid of.

"Thank you for your advice but I'll have to dispose it" I give him a quick smile then turn around and begin to walk towards the kitchen because I have had enough of his nonsense.

"Dude wait, what if it doesn't work out? What if you hurt her again? That'll break Junae, you'll just be giving her false hope... do you really wanna break your little girl's heart?" He grabs my shoulder forcing me to turn around and listen to what he has to say. I pause for a moment and think, what if he is right? But I won't hurt Jae, I've matured and I know this time I won't abandon her.

"Don't worry I won't hurt her this time" I pat his shoulder and smile making him sigh at me.

"I really don't wanna break Junae's heart so please, do the right thing" he looks over at me with a disappointed look on his face before leaving the room. He probably thought that I was going to back down but I won't, I don't see why I can't have both Junae and Jae.

"Hey Jungkook what beef do you and Uncle Bam have?" I hear Junae's voice coming from the front door forcing me to turn around and face her but only for me to see that she's on her own. "Uncle Bam used the back door, he was afraid that he'll commit murder" she says as she closes the door then walks up towards me before clutching onto my hand.

"Don't worry about that just have fun with all your cousins" I look down and smile at her not really wanting to explain to her that I broke her mum's heart by abandoning her twice and her Uncle hates me because of that.

"I have to worry because Uncle Bam only gets angry when someone hurts mummy" she sighs and crosses her little arms with a frown on her face. "Did you hurt my mummy?" She looks up and asks me with her eyes wide open catching me off guard.

"Erm well you see the thing is that erm-"

"Last person that made him angry was my dad" she cuts me off and tells me making me look down at her confused. How does she know that Bambam was angry at me, did Jae tell her something about me?

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