Chapter 52: Growing as a Family

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Jungkook POV:

Me and Jae are married like officially married. Yeah I didn't get the big wedding I wanted with big cars and big rings but I got something way more valuable and that's two healthy babies. Twins, who would've guessed it twins, I love children so much especially when they are mine and now I got two extra? Life is just too good to me right now. Uncle was upset that he missed the ceremony because he was too busy trying to find a parking space which is why he let Lucas and Junae leave on there own from the car park. I told him one day we'll have a proper wedding but right now we just wanna focus on the babies. Jae is still adapting to the whole taking care of a baby thing, you'd think she'll be used to it by now but nope she still struggling. Can't change a diaper, doesn't know how to wash them, dress them and even feed them it's like this is her first time all over again. It's funny but also cute watching her being confused 95% of the time.

"Jungkook he won't stop crying, I picked him up, I fed him, I changed him but he won't shut up!" She shrieks as she throws one of Lucien's toys across the room out of frustration. She drops herself onto the sofa and puts her head in her hands as she begins to shake her head in disappointment.

"Calm down baby lets go and see ok?" I say as I run her shoulder trying to soothe her but I can see by the look in her eyes that she wants to burst out crying. I grab hold of her hand then I lead her to Lucien and Julyn's room where the little man is screaming his lungs out and his sister is not even in her cot bed. "Hey there baby boy, why you stressing out Mummy? You a naughty little man yes you are yes you are" I crouch down and baby talk to him as I tickle his belly making him begin to laugh. I pick up the little man and start making funny faces causing him to laugh even harder.

"I give up" Jae sighs as she throws her arms in the air out of frustration. I try passing Lucien over to her but she steps away making me frown. I don't want her thinking the kids don't like her.

"Jae don't say-"

"Kookie I'm a shit mum, I've tried and tried I just can't do babies I'm sorry" she cuts me off and exclaims breaking my heart because I know she isn't a bad mum, she managed to raise both Junae and Lucas into smart, loyal and at times well mannered children and that's a hard thing to do especially when one of them isn't yours.

"What's wrong with her?" Lucas waltz into the babies new room and asks as he watches Jae storm into her room. I sigh not really wanting to tell him that his mum is having a breakdown because I don't want to stress him out.

"Wait a second you Lucas doesn't know what is going on? That's a first" I comment realising that he just asked me a question and Lucas never asks questions because he knows everything well I guess he isn't as smart as he says he is then.

"She's frustrated because the babies don't like her" he tells me with a poker face and arms folded across his chest making me sigh. Why am I not even surprised?

"But I thought you didn't-"

"I was just trying to make conversation" he cuts me off and says, I don't know whether I should feel flattered that he is trying to make conversation with me or offended that he's acting dumb so he can talk to me. Does he think I'm dumb?

"Can you talk to her?" I ask him hoping that maybe he can speak some sense into her because I've tried I've told her she's amazing and caring and that they love her but the babies just keep crying.

"You think me being brutally honest is what she wants right now?" He questions and I pause for a second trying to list out the pros and cons of letting Lucas take the lead. He's the one who usually takes care of her when I wasn't around so he must've been doing something right. But knowing him he'll tell her straight that she's just not good enough and that's not what I want her to hear.

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