Chapter 48: Here for you

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Jae POV:

I stare at him with my eyes narrowed making sure that he can feel my eyes burning into him. I want him to feel my anger radiating off me just so he can know how pissed I am at him right now. How can he be so childish? So selfish, so stupid to say something like that and in front of the kids as well. I can't even look them in the eyes because I can already see the curiosity building up in them. I understand he's upset, he wants the baby he always wants the baby but this isn't how he's gonna get it if he hasn't decided to grow up yet. I'm angry and I'm hurt that he'd just expose me like that without letting me fully explain. How can he expect me to have another child when I have two and him to take care of with his childish tactics.

"Mummy what does daddy mean by that?" Junae looks up at me and asks snapping me out of my thoughts. I stop glaring at Jungkook and look down at my hand which I didn't notice had a knife in it causing me to drop it back on the dining table.

"Nothing baby now eat your greens" I respond with a fake smile on my face stroking her hair back and forth trying to comfort her. She looks up at me looking bothered and slightly hurt making me look down at her with confusion on my face but she just rolls her eyes at me then moves away from my hand.

"Lukie what did dad mean by that?" She asks Lucas the same question catching him off guard. I look down at her before scoffing feeling slightly pissed that she just disrespected me like that and in front of guests as well.

"Why you asking me?" Lucas questions shrugging his shoulders making Junae roll her eyes at him out of frustration.

"You know everything" she answers with her arms crossed biting her tongue trying not to compliment her brother so his ego won't boost. But she did, she complimented him so much that a big smile forms on his face and that says a lot since Lucas never smiles.

"I know everything too boo" KJ cuts in and says trying to get Junaes attention but that only just angers her making her clench her jaw.

"Kids lets be quiet-"

"Like what?" Junae sassily questions cutting off an offended looking Uncle JB with her arms folded firmly across her chest glaring over at KJ with a smug look on her face.

"Your dad was saying that he wants to have another baby with your mum so he can watch this one grow you know since he messed up with you-"

"Shut up KJ you don't know anything" she cuts off KJ trying to keep the tears in her eyes. I pull her into me so I can hug her but at first she resists before hugging me back causing me to sigh and wonder how she would react if she found out I was pregnant but am not keeping the baby.

"KJ! That shit weren't cool apologise" Uncle JB announces making KJ sigh and look at his feet but he doesn't look guilty hell he doesn't even look sorry.

"Where was the lie though-"

"Apologise!" Uncle cuts KJ off and shouts causing everyone on the table to jump in their seats. No one has ever heard or seen Uncle JB shout before because he's never angry he's always so chill about everything. But by the glare that he is giving KJ you can tell he's pissed.

"Fine I'm sorry" KJ admits defeat with his head low too embarrassed to look up and say it. He crosses his arms over his chest and slumps in his seat probably pissed off that he got told off I front of everybody.

"But seriously where was the lie though?-"

"Lucas don't! Please just not this" I beg him with pleading eyes before he could expose us in front of everyone like he usually does. I wouldn't be surprised if Lucas has caught on to what's going on and it'll suck if he actually did because I don't want him to think of me as a killer who killed his sibling.

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