Chapter 44: Morning after

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Jungkook POV:

Getting with Jae is the only thing I ever wanted since I was young but at that time I didn't know it was because I was in love with her but thought it was because she was my only friend. Losing her felt like I lost part of myself and it showed which sucks, I wish I wasn't abused then come back such a disappointment but I did. Seeing her happy killed me because I was suffering for her whilst she was having the time of her life but hurting the person you love only hurts you more and I've learnt that. Me and Jae are meant to be, there is literally no one else who I can see myself with that isn't her. I don't need approval or support from anyone and I've known this for time now but today just confirmed that Jaelyn Carter is all mine and will forever just be mine.

Looking down at her lying on my bed in that dress just brings a bright smile on my face just watching her look up at me with curiosity in her eyes. There are so many things that I want to do to this girl but right now just simply staring at her in the moment seems to be enough.

"Are you just gonna stare at me or..." she awkwardly says as she flips her hair aside looking away from me. I didn't realise how creepy I must've looked until she broke the silence, normally I just stare at her from afar.

"You'll have to be stupid to think that all I'll do is stare" I smirk at her before slowly moving closer and closer into her removing my tie and throwing it across the room before taking off my shirt. She takes off her dress and jumps on her knees then leaps onto me leaving harsh yet gentle kisses on my neck. "Somebody is hungry" I giggle as I slam her back against the wall trying to regain control of the situation.

"Shut up and do as mummy pleases" she whispers into my ear then bites it catching me off guard. I stand there frozen for a second with her in my arms whilst she continues to kiss my neck slowly moving her hand down to my crouch area. She cannot be trying to dominate right now.

"Mummy now huh?" I question still startled from the comment she made but I'm not going to lie it was kind of sexy and turned me on how she thought she has a chance of being in charge. "Last time I checked Daddy was in charge" I whisper before stopping her hand from grabbing my crouch and throwing her onto the bed. I turn her body round and begin to slap on her ass cheeks, "your daddies lil girl Jae" I tell her as I continuously slap her cheeks. "Who's lil girl?" I question but she doesn't respond instead she moans so I slap harder.

"Daddy!" She shrieks as she arches her back making me smile. I turn her back round and watch her tremble as I remove her white panties using my teeth keeping eye contact. She tilts her head back as she clings onto the bed sheets making me smirk.

"You're so wet for me" I tell her as I throw her soaked panties aside. I give her one lick and already she's moaning and arching her back like I've thrusted in her. I continue to tease her dipping my tongue in her vagina just to see her reaction.

"For fucks sake stop being such a cock head and fuck me already!" She finally shrieks after having enough making me laugh. I would continue teasing her but I've been waiting too long for me to fuck her and there's no way I think my body would allow me to delay this any further.

"I hope you're ready princess" I warn her as I take out my erected throbbing penis before spreading her legs wide open and entering her. With the first thrust she's already grabbing onto pillows. I start off slow trying to get into rhythm and not wanting to hurt her but my hips have a mind of their own.

"Ah Kookie fuck!" She exclaims as I go faster and faster. Hearing her moans grow louder and louder as I watch her titties bounce up and down.

"Wow you're so tight" I comment as I plough myself into her breaking into a sweat.

"Fuck Kook you're trying to kill me" she comments gritting her teeth together. We finally both reach climax and I fall onto the bed next to her exhausted and completely out of breath. I smile to myself pleased of what I've just accomplished, I got my girl back. I turn to face her but she fast asleep, I wipe away the sweat on her forehead before covering her with a blanket and going to sleep myself.

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