Chapter 10: Euphoria

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Jungkook POV:

Finally the universe is working in my favour, finally I can have some alone time with Jae and hopefully persuade her to allow me to have some sort of connection with my daughter. I hated it when Junae told me that she didn't need me anymore because she has Mika but Mika isn't her dad, I am and I want her to know that I'm here for her after I figure out how exactly to be there for her.

"I'm not going to your house, I'm calling Jaebum" Jaelyn turns to face me with her arms crossed making me look at her confused, who's Jaebum? How many males does she know? She takes out her phone and instantly this so called 'Jaebum' picks up and I roll my eyes. Doesn't she have any female friends?

"Hey Uncle JB are you home?" She says over the phone and all of a sudden I'm no longer angry but jealous because they've gotten so close over the years and I just feel like an outcast. "No no its fine just tell Jackson I said hi" she says then hangs up and looks up at me and I just give her a big smile but she brings her phone up against her ear and waits for the next person to pick up. "Kimmy babe please tell me tonight is not dick night" she pleads to her assistant who threatened me last time. "No I don't wanna have a threesome"

"Good" I mumble not wanting her to hear me.

"No its fine have fun" she hangs up then sighs and looks over at me before starting to scroll through all her contacts on her phone.

"Just stay at mine its not that big of a deal" I tell her trying to divert her attention away from the phone and to me but no she continues to scroll.

"But it is a big of a deal I don't wanna be anywhere near you if you haven't realised" she finally looks up at me with worry and sadness written in her eyes making me feel bad. I don't want Jae to hate being around me, I prefered it when she used to annoy me trying to make me remember her.

"I have a pretty big place so you and Junae can stay in the other side of the house if that'll make you comfortable" I offer her and she pauses for a moment. I wanted to use this opportunity to rebuild bridges but I don't wanna do that when she doesn't feel comfortable around me.

"Fine but my worry was that Junae has a best friend Lucas who I've taking care of since his mum is out of town" she speaks up looking slightly nervous, I can tell that she's lying about something but I'm not going to ask instead I'm going to be grateful that I get to see Junae again.

"Thats fine he can come too" I respond with a smile on my face before opening my car door allowing Jae to sit in the front seat. I walk round to the other side and get into the car myself. I look over at Jae but she's facing the window, I hate how distant we are. "So where are the kids?"

"Huh? Oh yeah about that... Junae is close with In Ha" she tells me making me look at her confused because the way she said it was as if she expects me to know what and who she's talking about.


"In Ha your little sister, so I'm guessing you didn't stay in contact with her either" she answers and I make an o shape with my mouth not really knowing how to respond because I never really cared for In Ha and I don't think I ever will. "Junae is at her place" she adds and I just sigh hoping that my mother isn't home. Jae gives me the address then I begin to drive towards the house in silence. "By the way both the kids call me mum out of respect just warning you" Jae explains out of nowhere and I just nod. As soon as we get there Jae jumps out of the car and I patiently wait.

"Jungkook! Open the damn door I can't reach!" I hear Junae's little voice coming from outside forcing me to get out of the car.

"Hey princess" I greet her as I lift her up then place her into the car and put on her seat belt before smiling down at her.

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