Chapter 13: BBQ (Part 2)

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Jae pov:

Its been an hour since I last texted Jungkook and he still hasn't arrived. I feel like I should call him and check whether he is still going to make an appearance or not but I don't want to seem as if I want him to be here, do I want him to be here? Junae keeps on staring at the door whenever someone opens it with her eyes wide open and smile on her face but as soon as she sees that its not Jungkook she slouches and frowns making me upset. This was what I was trying to avoid, I don't her to rely on him so much because knowing Jungkook, he'll only disappoint you in the end and I don't want Junae to experience that. I look over at the kids all shouting at each other and laughing at the same time but Junae is not getting invovled, instead she's sitting on the grass fiddling with the garden gnome. Lucas approaches her and sits by her, he doesn't say anything to her instead he removes one of his earphones and sticks it into one of her ears. She looks up at him startled but he just stares at the sky with a poker face on making me smile, Lucas cares I know he does but he's a closed book, a precious closed booked and I don't wanna risk losing him.

"Hey you two" I approach them both with a big smile on my face, they both look up at me with their eyes squinting probably because of the sun. "You guys enjoying the barbeque?" I ask them both as I sit down and join them on the grass. Lucas takes his earphones out then sighs and stares at me a small smile on his face.

"I don't like people" he shrugs his shoulders and at that moment Junae darts her eyes at him with a strong pout on her face before crossing her arms and sighing.

"That means you don't like me and mummy" she frowns making Lucas roll his eyes at his younger sibling.

"You're not people, you're family" he says before getting up and walking away from both of us. I smile to myself and look at Junae who has a confused look on her face. She watches Lucas walk away from her with a frown on her face, I know Junae acts strong around everyone but she's helpless if she doesn't have Lucas and he's helpless without her too.

"Mummy was Lucas dropped as a baby?" she asks me as she keeps her eyes firmly on her brother.

"No, why?"

"He's so weird, you need to get him checked" she instructs and I can't help but begin to laugh making her look at me like I've lost my mind. These little moments that I have with my kids is so glorious to me because they are growing up so fast, I dont want them to grow up and forget about each other. Or forget about me.

"Hey Junae! Its me Uncle Johnny" Johnny shouts as he frantically waves his hand at Junae. Junae looks at me with a frown on her face then turns to face Johnny and gives him the fakest smile ever before waving at him. "I've missed you, come give me a hug" he opens his arms and looks down at her. Junae looks at me again as if asking if she really has to hug him forcing me mouth 'go' to her.

"He's really pushing his luck mummy" she grits her teeth making me laugh at her. She gets up from the ground and wipes her dress before slowly approaching Johnny and hugging him. I can't see her face but the look on Johnny's face just shows how he adores the kids, too bad they don't like him. "Jungkook!" Junae shrieks then wiggles out of Johnny's arms.

"Jungkook?" Uncle JB looks at me with his eyebrows furrowed.

"I invited him" I whisper in his ear and he just nods his head in response then makes his way to the kitchen. I watch Junae run towards the back door where Jungkook was standing wearing blue denim shorts and a white T shirt, he picks her up and spins her around before kissing her on the forehead.

"You've really gotten way too comfortable" she pouts as she roughly wipes her forehead. Jungkook looks up and notices everybody staring at him especially the children who looked very curious. Kimmy looks at me to check if I'm okay and I just nod my head at her before making my way towards the kitchen.

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